What did you do at your WORK today?

bullshitted and ordered a comp for using a certain cadd program

smiled when my spohn suspension came in


Wait what the fuck is work

QA…QA blows.

I put 4 new tires on my car.

My job has absolutely nothing to do with automotive :lol

I do nothing. all day long at work. Its completely rediculous actually.

Haha oh yea, Hung out with Chris07slobalt today. He was also on the clock, and no where close to work…

Lies…we did do some work:ninja



Wish I had jobs like you guys. Well if it pays as well as mine.

Lmao thats awesome chris

Drove around for a couple of hours and then listened to music for the rest of the day.

Chris came by at about 6ish, just left work, took care of his tires, went in the liquor store, bought a bottle, and went back to work to punch out. That is EPIC!

word dude I sat down and watched someone else do it too lol


Engineered hardware solution for a banking company for $131K.

Sent out samples of our product to Adidas Golf since they are considering using our Yarn for their products.

they forget to plug their shit in again, didnt they?

Villa Italia? You suck. Bring some home for me. :cry: