What did you do at your WORK today?

jerked off… literally lulz

Weekends off FTW

Having money FTW

I make my money M-F. Even overtime in there.
Sometimes Ill do side jobs on weekends like I did two Saturdays ago but today I didnt have anything lined up so I went riding on my quad.

Working weekends FTL.
They aren’t meant to be worked on.

this… unless you work on a golfcourse.

i dunno workin on the weekend sucks esp if you get up early

Word. Ill work saturdays. I dont think i have ever worked a sunday a day in my life.

Before my work burned down the first time I was working Saturday thru Tuesday with Wednesday thru Friday off and still working 60+ hours. Then I only had wednesdays and Thursdays off but eventually got Saturdays off instead of Thursdays.

After the second fire Ive been working monday thru friday 5am-1pm with weekends off and I love that schedule.

I dont work 60-70 hours anymore but thats ok. I was able to save alot of money doing that mainly because I didnt have time to have a life and didnt even need to cash my checks every week.

Now Im working 40-45 hours normally and Ive got alot more bills and toys than I did before. Funny how shit works when youve got time for toys, isnt it?

Did pretty much absolutely nothing at all for 8 hours except write up a parts list for my car and read a book.

stood around all day long!

went to the farm and laid in the hammock under the tree and edited websites until my battery died then i woke up with mosquitos biting me so i left :smiley:

layin in a hammock ???i thought you guys raced camels for fun over there :lol…ill talk to ya later kid


I did way too much work my first 3 hours or so. Time to take a 3 hour break and browse shift. :lol

I’m busting my ass and gonna work like 3-4 hours extra tonight!

Had to deal with the clusterfuck of some idiot giving a whole mess of handicapped placards 2 different document #'s and had to void a ton of orders where they were issued to towns about to be shipped out.

drove around alot

Did alot of cold calling and made 2 appointments.

Played online all morning while listening to slacker followed by a lunch of delicious cold cuts, salads and an assorment of desert treats. Then the afternoon started with some more slacker and clown punching. Will be here for an other 5 hours too.