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Better an ECU flash I’ll have a Bazzaz put on it for my MJS header/termi setup, here is a review
he forgot to add the ECU flash takes care of the Speedo being off by 10%

Well, I pulled the trigger after doing some reading and gathering information. I was a little nervous about doing the whole “ECU flash” thing but after hearing so many positive reviews and feed back from many members, I went ahead and shipped out my ECU.

From my understanding the following things are changed/removed:
-engine braking is reduced
-engine idle is raised
-radiator fans are set to come on at a lower temp
-fuel map is smoothed which leads to a butter smooth throttle
-EXUP CEL removed

  • and some other OE restrictions

I’ve only had this thing on my bike for a day and I’ve only been able to “feel” the changes regarding to engine braking and the raised idle.

The reduced engine braking is tits. Coming to a stop or going into a corner and dropping gears before entering and still caring speed without the bike “braking” is just awesome. Makes everything sooooo much smoother.

I was worried about the raised idle regarding street riding and the bike heating up quicker at stop lights but I’ve found that with the lowered set temperature for the fans… The bike never hit more than 207F with ambient temps being around 80-85. It’s a bit annoying to hear the bike idle at 2k at stop lights but well worth it. Now you simply release the clutch and the bike goes…no more applying throttle lol.

As regards to the smoother throttle… Milky tity smooth!!! I literally was able to ride with one hand in first gear and increase/decrease throttle without any twitchy-ness. With an OE ECU, this is impossible, all of you know how twitchy the throttle is in first gear… The flash literally got rid of that issue.

I was able to ride home through the back roads and open her up a bit… AMAZING! She pulls hard through every gear and seems like she picks up power quick once you hit about 8k RPMs instead of 10k. I didn’t open her up all the way as I was riding on public roads but I can’t wait to hit the track in April with the new beast!

Overall I’m extremely happy with this upgrade. It’s an easy upgrade at a great price. Most people gave me siht about doing this upgrade saying that it won’t make me faster and blah blah blah… An ECU Flash is not just a go fast upgrade… It helps iron out rough spots that our bikes are known for. This is easily the best upgrade I’ve done to my bike.

I highly recommend it and I highly recommend Anthony from BAUCE RACING. This guy took hours converting my Bazzaz map to be compatible with the flash, he smoothed it out and listened to my concerns and explained everything, EVERYTHING to me. He applies all his knowledge into creating a true, workable and safe flash. I am positive that his experience with racing and his R&D go into every ECU he flashes. I truly believe that you get what you pay for and there’s no exception to ECU flashing.

If you’re concerned about the raised idle and If you have any concerns regarding engine longevity after an ECU flash… .just contact Anthony and I’m sure he would be more than happy to answer all your questions.

And last but not least… He did not pay me or give me free swag to say all of thee above. I am simply stating my first impressions with this product.

AGG sells legit sit at decent prices.