What did you do for your 21st?

How dare you call my friend Sarge such things


Why do you have a new name??


LOL, I’ve pissed inside Jillians (not in the bathroom) dozens of times, and once or twice in the fake plants.

Im not gonna lie, when I saw that you posted in this thread I expected some ridiculous story about your 21st birthday involving your penis and several women.

oh thats his next post

Ha, thanks for thinking of me. I actually did not do anything for my 21st B-day other then dinner with friends. Now, downtown Albany has became the tradition…

It gets FAR too packed in some bars to ruin your night with constant bathroom breaks. Much easier to step up to the bar, push your pelvis out a little and let the golden liquid take a ride down the bar:thumbup

I got hammered in albany and tried to do the whole 21 shots on your 21st. Needless to say the next day was a complete waste and I could not get over the floor

Very few people could do 21 shots and hold it together, and no, none of this 1 shot an hour period, I mean 21 shots from like 10PM-3AM (drinking hours)

Yea I tried but this was also after pregaming at my friends house in albany for a couple hours. I made it to 21 and lasted another maybe hour. I also puked after the last shot and then had pizza and a grape soda which was a horrible idea

Woke up, went to work, left work, went to judo, got my ass kicked, went to my friend’s house to get ready, drank a beer in the shower, the car on the way to Mahars, 3 at Mahar’s, then the Bomber’s margarita, then jagerbombs, then beer. I wanted to die the next day.

This pic has everything a 21st b-day should have. A soaked drunken birthday boy, half naked women, and a crazy lookin dude in a cowboy hat who appears to be mid “Yee Haw!”

i drank ALOT of Tequila with a bunch of the guys i used to work with. and somehow made it home, not sure how, but the next morning i rode my bike to the bar to pick up my car using my spare key because my boss took my car key from me… good guy:thumbup

Went out to Fridays with a couple of my buddies when I lived in PA. Had dinner and a beer. Went home. Having early morning class sucks!

My 21st was a Tues. and had work the whole week. That weekend…I’m not quite sure what happened. I’m told I had fun though.

Omg Elliot, please elaborate on that picture! And yeah, I traveled time on mine. I teleported from the bar to Denny’s to my house. Or I blacked out. I prefer to think I’m capable of drunk teleportation.

lets see got a group of friends, went out back in the woods got some strippers, had the cops called on us, so after we went back in the woods and found some hills, got trashed even more lol, tried to fly with cardboard ductaped to our arms, then used a trash bag to pretend we were all para troopers and ended up falling like a rocks LOL… good times…

thats fucking awesome… lol

I went to work, had dinner with the parents and went to work the next morning