What did you do to your car today?

found out how to use snap oversteer to my advantage in slippery conditions :rofl:shifty

more bodywork.

got my new short throw in the mail

wat kind?

steeda tri ax…made out of billet alum, pretty sweet


i dont think Adam ever broke the Tri-ax, so you should be ok with it.

I thought he did break one on the Mach 1 but maybe it was somebody else that broke one.

at least the weather is cooperating today

cleaned my wheels today.

spoke too soon huh?

thanks anyway.

is it raining over there now? shit. it looks okay here in albany right now.

yup. raining, thundering, the whole 9. big shocker there i know.

oh wow


installed my shirt throw shifter, SOOO nice.

Word. just got done here

i think its rained every day for the past 2 weeks

your probably right. we all got teleported to seattle and haven’t realized yet.

fuck this rain!

I dusted my engine bay
