What did you do to your car today?

umm i dunt know what i’m looking for in that pic?

Since when is learning bad?
The real lol is you coming up there to someone you met once’s house uninvited. That person had to be reminded by me who you were. :haha
Oh well

I think its a picture of v-tak? (sp?)

close george, but not not close enough.


never said learning is bad, but knowing you (habitual line-stepper (habitual liar)), you would have played it off as if you were Master Mechanic Charlie Murphaaayyyy for the day and did that shit with no assistance.

and i had no idea i was going to byron’s house until i got there, i thought i was going to travis’, who had invited me the day/two days before to come to the install sesh, not mentioning it wasn’t at his house lol. i would have talked to byron first if i knew i was going to his house. bad communication between me/travis/you

looks the part.


Byron doesnt know you.

I’m still waiting for the M3…

#1 how on earth would you know
#2 yes he does, i know him from the 4 auto X’s i went to and i talked to him for literally like 2 hours straight one night at LVD when he ran wagonzilla

never said i was 100% getting it=not a lie. don’t change the subject

i’ve been saying the whole time “if i get it”, “if everything goes as planned”, yada, yada, yada.


it was said to kramer. As in backing you up charles. Im just saying kramer if you called up byroll and said hi its ryan kramer hed either

  1. Hang the phone up
  2. Say who the fuck is this
  3. Very slim chance of this btw, O your that kid who thinks your altima is a dope autox car. Then hell hang up.

See kramer im just playing with you but i dont think you get it lol

Actually cleaned it, shits hot when it’s clean.

Indeed. The pearl in the clear is awesome in the sun. :thumbup

i like boobs




ZHP shift knob/ alcantara boot/ e-brake boot.
Oil change, repainted kidney grilles (rock chips), shop-vac’d interior, and shampoo’d the leather. -M3

Neglected - 944

This is not true lols.