What did you do to your car today?

ya rly

next time I see you taking out the trash I am lying on the horn. :clap

if you were oh-so-knowledgeable youd think you would have helped me as you were right next to me :rofl

oh well. car will be better than ever tomorrow, getting dropped off at the “stealership” tonight :thumb


Touchless ftw. I HAD to get the salt off.

Car is fucking loud now though, my neighbors are gonna be pissed, especially on cold starts.

i think there glad its back so they can hear the LOUD NOISES:hug

You watched me use PB blaster on my subframe bolts and heard me harmmer the shit out of the bolt and do that cycle again. I would have helped you if you didnt spill my 180 tools that i just organized. I had to reorganize them shits cuz you didnt.

there ya go

o no he did-nt!

Can’t believe I missed these shenananananananananananananagins. :lol

I was laughing so hard in my head once i heard the second bolt crap out on him. He already broke the first one and had to go onto the second. Anyway how do i post pics that arent huge? WIll the automatically change to size? I uploaded through shift instead of photobucket.

just post
dunt matter really

Bolts break all the time… especially on the undercarriage. I’ve seen bolts hit with hammers and torches and what not and they still break. Not a big deal really.

Reflashed to an economy map…

7psi FTL
30mpg FTW.

i was gonna help ya organize 'em :rofl

lol. i’m glad i didn’t miss your shenanananangins up north when you were doing for down pipe :rofl

“chuck, take off this bolt”
“uhhh ok”
“chuck, take off that bolt”
“uhhhhhh ok”
“chuck, remove this piece and place it over there”

if i wasnt there you would have played that off like you did that all yourself :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

i know really, since when does a broken bolt=epic fail at life? :rofl

Lol! I see my AP is still in use

:rofl !!!


I spent my time on this after school. Its pretty close to done, ive gotta finish taking paint off in the back of the VC, Im just wetsanding/brushing/polishing right now. I have about 12 hours into this thing through everything.

Do you guys think i should shave the honda off the VC?

Yeah, I plan on selling it if i EVER get time to get my up pipe and down pipe on…

Don’t LOL me Jeff, its still faster than your S13, and goes though fields of snow. Plus it can haul wayyyy more groceries. Hahaha.

Oh shit, thats some srs bzns.:vlad

God dammit pete i told you the pic was gonna be huge

wtf is this fucking wall mural doing on my screen