What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?

i like the CGI one better, but yeah, that movie was fucked up when i was made to watch it in HS, great movie for its time.

Some of my personal favorites that I have taken over the years. These all happen to be from Talladega which is a week long party in the camp grounds.

4ft. femullet

Father Son combo mullet


but k.a.t. u dont have a talon.

seriously im done its all kool. i just dont like people who talk bad about something. people die in nascar its no joke. in the end i dont like it at all.
if you like muscle cars buy one. thumbs up to throwing the white flag up for the both of us. no pun intended. with that end rant.

aww man i was waiting for cut off shorts with the front pockets hanging out.

im not gonna lie it would be scary to do that shit, i just dont really like nascar, indy cars on the other hand… damn thats fucking awesome lol.

oh and to the talon remark, some day if we ever meet in person il show you what i did to that car, for my age, budget, no skill and only 2 hours a day its pretty impressive if you ask me

good keep working. i am not much older than you and i have a big build on my hands that im sure would surprise the hell out of you and yea im struggling to get it done. but thats what this life is all about even if your car runs good long enough to race someone its all worth it. but then it will be slow again and you will want more. cars are money pits. learn to love it.


yea man i hear ya, i wish i could have built something better but i worked with what i had. it makes me smile when i drive it and im proud of it so i cant complain

no sarcasm, im interested in hearing about your build

fuck now i gotta go find my dvd and watch this.

You’ve got work tomorrow, no more sitting on your ass, collecting unemployment… :wink:


gotta wait for the drug test results first, so i can sit a few more days :slight_smile:

I shouldn’t have doubted this thread for a minute.

props to the epic posts by fairgentlemanZ.

Just so my karma isn’t completely fucked - obviously I respect the drivers and crews of the big ol’ left turn. I just cannot stand watching, the commentary, nor most of the fans.

carry on.

drivers and crew do deserve props props but the whole general circle track and how all the cars look the same, what am i missing about it that millions of people watch.

Busch brews
jean shorts
a trailer
9 kids named after nascar drivers
your wife = your cousin
a 4 foot mullet.

One thing aobut circle track racing is it’s fan friendly. Most of the time you can see all or most of the action. That, and I’m getting my Wall DVD back tomarrow because of this thread, too much awesome in that movie.


awesome sauce

did you guys hear dale earnhart died?

he took a right, he’s dead, no one cares

i once screamed that at a hick bar because i was fed up with watching nascar and listening to country music from the jukebox and MOTHERFUCKERS screaming GIT ERRR DONE!!!1 all fucking night. fuck those motherfuckers

maybe its not so much the “sport” i hate, but the culture?

nah, i hate both
