ny speed needs an age limit for faggots like this. i wish kyle would punch you in the face the next time he saw, u and if he did i would just laugh in your face. apaarently you think nascar sucks. so what get off it i think you suck but im not gonna stay on it all day. grow up, get a life, and gain some respect for someone who just there name on a bumpersticker is worth more than your whole life. i dont sit down and watch the race every sunday but also people on here post shit like o my god i went 100 mph today. who fucking cares. i do that everyday on my way to work but noone cares. but apparently driving 180 plus for almost eternity is simple. a cake walk no less. i bet there is almost nobody on this site that has an itch for top fuel dragsters but im sure you could run those no problem.
Me:shoot: you. your an asshole.
you suck at life.
i know i suck
i know im going nowhere in life
i know i hate nascar
i got off the fucking subject like 20 fucking minutes ago
who the fuck is kyle
speeding. sweet.
and id love to race top fuel dragsters. now there is a fucking adrenaline rush.
my car>top fuel :cjerk:
you need to learn not to talk so loud. your mouth is apparently bigger than your brain. if you talk bad about the wrong person, you could be screwed. refer to youtube and search for muscle50. right there you should learn something.
You better hope i never see you anywhere because im not as nice as jesse is.
by the way kyle = 2turboz and he is very respected by alot of people here. watch what you say.
you need to learn not to talk so loud. your mouth is apparently bigger than your brain. if you talk bad about the wrong person, you could be screwed. refer to youtube and search for muscle50. right there you should learn something.
You better hope i never see you anywhere because im not as nice as jesse is.
by the way kyle = 2turboz and he is very respected by alot of people here. watch what you say.
wait, now i’m being threatened because i hate nascar? sweet. i don’t care. i didn’t talk shit to your friend.
hey if you’d like PM me your address i’ll come over with a friend and he can video tape you kicking the shit out of me. Then you can go byebye for hitting a minor.
i dont understand why your flipping shit dude. its on the internet, and its fucking nascar.
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: West Nukka
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Originally Posted by bobbyg1243 View Post
yes i do understand…im in the same boat trying to fix it, but its def worth it when its in good condition.
yeah i hear ya. it sucks being 17, having just thrown 3 grand into my talon in the past year, i spent every single paycheck ive gotten since then into that car. and i have nothing to show for it. id do anything for a car that makes me smile when i drive it. instead i work on this car that stresses me out so bad that i dont sleep at night and do nothing but think about this car all day long in hopes that some day it’ll pay off and i can actually have something.
its really fucking terrible
boooooo hooooooo we all mod cars its stressfull get over it. point being dont run your mouth if you dont like something just say you dont like it. dont rag on someone else for liking it.
If you have only watched NASCAR races on TV, you have no idea about the sport.
honestly. i know im 100% wrong. i really just dont care to learn anything about it. when i was wayyyyyyyyyyy younger i used to think the nascar trucks were pretty cool. but now i primarily just like muscle cars and drag racing
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: West Nukka
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Originally Posted by bobbyg1243 View Post
yes i do understand…im in the same boat trying to fix it, but its def worth it when its in good condition.
yeah i hear ya. it sucks being 17, having just thrown 3 grand into my talon in the past year, i spent every single paycheck ive gotten since then into that car. and i have nothing to show for it. id do anything for a car that makes me smile when i drive it. instead i work on this car that stresses me out so bad that i dont sleep at night and do nothing but think about this car all day long in hopes that some day it’ll pay off and i can actually have something.
its really fucking terrible
boooooo hooooooo we all mod cars its stressfull get over it. point being dont run your mouth if you dont like something just say you dont like it. dont rag on someone else for liking it.
i never made fun of ANYONE for liking nascar. i stated AT LEAST TWICE that to each is own its MY opinion that i dislike nascar. hey if you like it then thats good. im sure your not obsessed with paintball like i have been for the past 9 years. dude, dont get bent its my opinion, i stood by it and i still am.
honestly. i know im 100% wrong. i really just dont care to learn anything about it. when i was wayyyyyyyyyyy younger i used to think the nascar trucks were pretty cool. but now i primarily just like muscle cars and drag racing
:word: i have to admit i was the same way i love draging and muscle cars now too nascar got me into it.