what do u guys think of this rust...

hey guys,

I’m checking out an s14…the pics below are the rust parts i found…the rest of the car is really clean, no rust, engine bay is really clean, shock towers are clean, no rust, not even surface rust…

there were 3 main spots of concern…

two are under the rockers on each side…the first two pics are one of each side…i dont think that is the rockers…i think it’s under the rockers…but the rockers right where the door are are perfect…


the rest of the pics are of the back…there’s a hole where the spare tire is, and that hole is the one under the car…and the one by the trunk lid…


is this bad? easy to fix?

the rest of the car is really clean, no rust, one MINOR bubbling by the rear window on the passenger side…it’s an LE model, 260k on it…automatic, I went to look at it cuz i wanted to do a manual conversion if the body is nice…from what i’ve seen, only those problems in the pic, the rest is nearly mint…especially for a 12 yr old car…I was thinkin of offering $3Gs…$3500 MAX…what do u guys think? and for body ppl, is it hard work? like are we lookin at spending around a G to fix it?

i would not touch it even with a pole…

Mine has the same spots on the rear floor panels (f**king drain plugs) and i repaired it without big problems but it seems to have way too much work to do imo…

Also by experience on my own car it probably has rust on the rear shock towers witch is a pita to repair…

your better off getting the r32 gts-t from tiger auto for 3500 if your willing to do work

ohh is that what it’s from? thas wut the sunroof drain route caused? so it’s not a big deal though right? like u said u fixed it without a big problem?..anyone else?

they got one for $3500? do they got a website…but i’m guessing for the price it’s alot more work than this one?

anyway…yea about the s14 lol…is it not a good idea to purchase it?

No its not a good idea to purchase it. Seriously save up some more cash and buy something that isnt rusted to hell. That S14 looks like its rusted out as bad as alot of the S13s you see on the trader. And its got 5 years on those cars. Stay away

yea lol i’ve decided not to get it…crap…and i think i sold my s13 LOL…aww mang…TTC here I come haha

good thing that you passed on that car cuz fixing that wouldn’t be cheap…

yea…agh mang…i want an s14 so badly lol…but budget is $5Gs max…but yea…

clean s14 are becoming rare like a clean s13 everyday. just the way it is.
i would pass on this one. price might sound good but rust is rust, unless
you can do that kind of work yourself then it will cost you extra on what you
pay for the car.


Here’s the tiger website if your still interested.

5gs for a stock clean 1995 s14 is very doable… my frend just bought one for 5500$ bone stock…muffler and springs still stock too… just u gota keep looking harder and patience