What do you Honda fucks think about this?

Nice. Im staying about the same weight…which is bullshit lol. I need to drop a quick 25lbs or so. I just cant stop eating like shit though. Ill eat good for like 3-4 days, then boom…junk food lol. Oh well

I love ek’s. Buy it

It looks soo sick!

Buy it naow so I can steal it

Fuck the nit pickers who would love to have that kind of power

LOL. All depends on what this guy wants $$$ wise. Its real clean so hes prolly gonna want like fuckin $13K…

Pushloc>braided garbage

do u drive a vw ? Lol the best part of this thread is {mk4 30r} telling someone els not to pick apart someones car.

Another car you wont buy.

It looks good except for the black hood. Paint the hood white.

looks real clean. id rock it for sure!

sick civic i like the white wheels…

very clean. I like it…

I’d paint the hood, but thats it. Nice looking car

REd shift knob!!! OOOOo

maybe for ease of installation, but you cant tell me its better looking than black braid nomex with red stitching.

Just like your car wont be out lol

And its CF…


You wont buy shit

Your right…

I always is