what do you look for in a women?

besides’ tits and ass… cause i know everyone does this!

i personally… hate sluts… attention whores are ok sometimes but get on my nerves… as long as there not sluts…

bar sluts are just bar sluts… not much to say about them… i will never date a girl who thinks going to the bars a must…

so basically sluts are worthless other then one night stands… and normally gross…

i dunno… whats your opinion…

oh and a good secret is… if there girl’s a goody girl… 9 times out of ten she loves the cock…

just not slutty about it!

lol :blanyer:

nice personality, likes to laugh, doesn’t need to go out every night, has friends, understands that i am addicted to cars and computers

a girl that can deal with watching/going to sports games, doesnt need attention 24/7, can have fun just sitting at home a few night a week instead of going out every night.

Basically what you guys said. I mean, obviously looks is what’s going to first attract you to a girl. But there’s a lot more than just that I look for.

I agree w/ you Betrayed on the ‘sluts’ thing (although you seem overly worried 'bout it… had a bad experience lately?). A girl that just sleeps around obviously isn’t relationship material. “Can’t make a ho a house-wife.” But just because a girl has some past doesn’t mean she’s automatically a slut. We all go through phases in our lives (I think I’m currently on my man-slut stage :smiley: ) and people change.

I need a girl I can kick it with. Our personalities simply have to be compatible. If we can’t make each other laugh and can’t be ourselves there’s no chance. I don’t go out every night, there’s not always “something to do” and sometimes I want to just relax and I need a girl who’s into that too. Obviously a girl for me has to realize that I’m way into cars, and that consumes a lot of my time/money. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t had past relationships end because I spend more time/money on my car than I did the gf. If things last and I got serious it wouldn’t always be like that, but a girl can’t expect me to skip that next AutoX to take her to some chick-flick, LoL. Sports, I’m sure I could live w/ a girl that wasn’t into sports. It might even be good, we always need some time to ourselves or some time w/ the boys. But on the other hand it’s really cool when girls are into sports too. I really like it when my girl is interested in, and comes to watch, my hockey games though. But if she doesn’t want to watch the cup playoffs w/ me it’s okay.

So is it possible to find a girl like that? Sure, I know one right now. She fits the above paragraph completely, and is gorgeous to boot. But of course she doesn’t want a relationship right now and just wants to be friends. :ugh: But that’s okay, she’s still way cool to kick it w/ and I’m having fun w/ the meaningless hookups w/ other chicks for now anyway!


X2 love girls that know about cars. at least a lil not like how to rebuild an engine but atleast knows how to check oil and what the tapping noise is under the hood.

X45 on the likes to laugh. humor is key in relationships. my parents have been together for 28 years and they rip on eachother all the time.

must be out going with my friends. cant stand when a girl just hides behind you and doesnt talk when you are out with your friends.

gotta be a cutie also.

edit: we must beable to just chill and watch a movie and hang out that is always a good thing

i have no problem with club sluts but its not like im lookin for a relationship with them either!

most girls ive dated have been clueless about cars but i always have fun taking them to shows and pointing things out.

attention whores dont bother me either because i know that deep down im a big attention whore.

aside from tits and ass a girl gotta be able to hold a meaningful convo. personally i love a girl that just smiles alot too. if a chick is willing to wrench on my car with me thats pretty cool too even though most of the time they get in the way but its still kinda cute.

one thing i absolutely cannot stand is fuckin cocky ass “gangsta” girls!

Using my best judgement, I’m going to move this to ON-topic… It’s been a great conversation so far, I just don’t think it will stay that way here in off-topic.

What do I look for in a woman? :naughty:

I look for this - my wife

The girl I was looking for had to want kids, be funny, and be independent. I found this and a lot more.

like girls who have good personality, i like girls that feel confident about them selves that they dont have to go get dressed up or put on a ton of makeup and think the only way they will get a guy is by doing it.

I like ponytails :naughty:

but moslty, the reason me and lory clicked so good, is our sense of humor, love of cars, immaturity, and i think nothing either one of us does can gross us out. sounds weird, but i dunno

x2 but my wife!!!

lol… x2!!

tj had a few good points to!


tall, blond, and skinny. same kind of background as me (suburban, not too religious) relatively drug free (pot’s fine in moderation, but nothing heavy).

whats up sluts!(jay and silent boob)
wanted :
a caring, well built women with a great attitude that loves to cook, clean, and work on cars.\ps send pix of toolbox

The girl I was looking for had to not want kids, be smart and financely independent. put up with my shit for 7 years before marrage, be sexy when its time to be, love unconditionally,understand me, laugh (have a nice ass-this is not an option) I found this and a lot more.

a few rules for dating. or what a women should do on a date.

no extensions or fake blondes, no color contacts, if you have fake breast , pop them now,no beepers or cells, no gum chewing,no smoking,speak when spoken too,no mentioning other mens names except jesus christ and maybe al pacino,smudge proof lipstick only, hair and nails must be done, no looking me in the eyes,never walk beside me, always stay 3 and one third steps behind. no panties,no outfits from 10 dollar stores, no touching,always laugh at everything i find funny,no spitting swallowing only, no kissing,and bring your own doe cause gnocide will not be paying for shit, beeyoutch.

:bsflag: :bsflag: and your the man of the house…when she not home :smiley:

:bowrofl: Ain’t that the truth :bj:

still am.that was before the band.

Yea, let’s hear it Jenn :blue: