what do you look for in a women?

i look for a mature woman with a good job

professional, smart, funny… that’s about it… not some stupid slut that acts important and shit, just to go home(parents) and go to work(dennys) the next day … i seem to date women that are 5+ years older than me. :slight_smile:

She has to be selfconfident, down to earth and like herself. She has to have that sparkle in her eye(I don’t know what it is but some women have it, and some don’t) She has to be adventures, spontaneous, and willing to try new and exciting things.

IDB :bigthumb:

air persure!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i could have owned many of you in this thread but for once i’m gonna be serious. One thing that my ex and i didn’t click on was cars. She gets car sick very easy and i love to drive around. I’d say a girl who doesn’t smoke is a must, and i don’t really like drunks either. NO DRUGS WHATSOEVER. She has to be smart and not be threatened by my intelligence either. We have to have some similar views on important topics as far as life decisions. She has to like pittsburgh, i don’t want a girl that bases her decisions on weather, meaning she wants to move south. Weather is not important to me that i would leave my family, friends and memories behind. Sports isn’t a big deal, thats something i like to able to do with my guy friends anyway. She can’t be petty or shallow. Olds_angel79 is near perfect but lives to far away from me :frowning:

Some one I could train, and would do what I say. Someone who would take it IDB and be my Puppet…oh yeah I found that :smiley:


Someone that if somthing happend could be fincially indepentant from me, Understand responsibility, trustworthy, wants to have kids, Likes dogs (too bad the dog don’t like me), is into cars no matter what the type, doesn’t have to go out all the time and can curl up and just relax all day at home, and knows how to laugh and not be so self concious about everything (IE looking bad in the morning, farting what ever :smiley: )

I found this one her name is jenn you may know her…

Again I whish she knew hoe to drive but that can be overlooked in exchange for some other things :naughty:


i want a girl also that can feel relaxed around me ie. no make-up, chill in some mesh pants and a pull-over :hsdance: :hsdance:

You knwo what the true test of love is…

If you can be laying there in bed, and dutch oven her and she survives…

Now that is love.

and you knwo your kids will be bred with good lungs. :smiley:

:kekegay: :eek3: :hsdance: :smiley:

thats on my prouche!!! :bowrofl:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

she cant be from perry…and ummmmm after i think of some other things,i’ll post them…

oh yea,and cant be a DAMN DRAMA QUEEN


You guys are funny.

I dont like dumb sluts. My cousin thinks Pamela Anderson is the hottest thing going. Personally I look for the complete opposite of her. I told my cousin that every part of her is fake. He said he doesnt care if he needs a remote control to turn her on and off…she’s hot. I think that a woman is sexy when she’s real. real looking, real acting. The greatest feeling in the world is KNOWING for a FACT my wife would never cheat on me. My wife is beautiful, but she doesnt know it. Somehow she exudes this “innocence”. Of course I did marry a virgin, so that could be part of it. A woman has to be fun and outgoing, but not someone who throws themselves at you and is then asking you “why you play with HER emotions” when you dont call her the next day 5 minutes after you wake up.


“any woman that can hide my superb gayness is right for me.”


So i tell you I used to model and I work at J.Crew and I’m gay?

I think you’re just jealous of my SUPERB good looks and SUPERBLY big cock!

#3 - telling another guy and an open forum dominted by guys is also superbly gay
