What do YOU, think happened at the Pentagon??

Did you even read that before you copy and pasted it. Last I checked, violent crashes, leading to vilent explosions, don’t leave debris carefully placed in the orientation they were in at the time of impact. :smash2: How are you this dumb?

I’m going to vote for both.

I love how walter just spits it out how it is :tup:

oh shit, walter on zee warpath…


Ummmm put a toothpick upright holding up a textbook ontop of another text book. Now drop a 3rd on top of them and tell me how far the toothpick flies out.

WTC was NOT a controlled demolition.

A plane hit the pentagon.

WTC 7 may have been a controlled demolition, but it wasn’t planned by the gov’t.

Flight 93 might have crashed on its own or been shot down, either is totally believable and understandable, and a coverup is as well.

Any way you look at it. 9/11 was planned and executed by an organization with NO OPERATIONAL ASSISTANCE BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

And you know what else…If the government was behind it…I don’t want that shit to get out. EVER. Do you have any idea that kind of impact that would have on this country? I mean seriously…

good lord you got some LOL’s out of me!

can someone try and explain the logic (lack of?) in this caption?

The person that wrote it has ZERO knowledge of physics.

Have you ever seen an old Mighty Taco bag on the side of the road and when a large truck goes by the bag flys into the air?
Obviously George Bush planted an explosive device under the old Mighty bag causing it to fly into the air.