What do YOU, think happened at the Pentagon??

I gave up reading this thread so I might be restating something. However, those plumes you see coming our of the windows are due to the pressure of a BUILDING FALLING ON ITSELF. Those rooms were filled with air, the weight of the falling building started to compress that air in the rooms. Similar to blowing head gasket, the pressure took the path of least resistance and blew the windows out.

to play devils advocate, i think its funny that your all telling him that he wasn’t thre and that he got his facts from the internet, but where are you guys getting yours? none of us were there :gotme:

i saw a video after this happened that had a lot of fact in it. it showed the exact design of this building and which of its flaws caused the building to collapse. jaysgreenlx is right, those are not explosions, its the building blasting apart.

the only real “fact” is that we’ll never really know, so theres no sense arguing about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Moving along…JFK killed by the CIA?
Oswald a patsy??

I actually believe this conspiracy.


on the right side of the page under tuesday recap

not sure if anyone here listens to this show but it’s deffinitly intresting :tup: if you happen to stumble across www.bugmenot.com, you might be able to find a user account to log in as to listen to that show (and up to 3 months of older shows I believe)

saw that he covered it yesterday evening this morning and figured it was on topic with the thread

always belived since Sept 11 2001

Whatever crashed into the Pentagon I know for sure it wasnt a big commercial aircraft…period!

My one hope for when I die and go to either heaven or hell is that all these questions get answered…I see both sides of the discussion and chose not to take a side because I wasn’t there and all the info is coming from sources that could be true or could be fabricated.

I come up with a witty retort to this but the last person, that I recall, got temp-banned for having an opposing viewpoint.

America is falling from its perch at the top of world, yes. The national debt increase is because of unions and such not letting the companies pay the employee’s 25 cents a day for 12 hours work. Thus, America = service industry, not manufacturing.

Once again, how dumb can they be if they are running the country?

Maybe so with the soldiers deaths and all, but no one can be perfect. Shit happens, especially in war.

Anarchists, I have yet to see you say one semi-positive thing about any government of any kind, at any time. If you hate the way things are done so much, why don’t you do something about it? Run for Prez, be the man, kick ass.

So much for no retorts, eh?

I highly doubt from reading your previous posts that anything of a whitty nature would be found.

“Maybe so with the soldiers deaths and all, but no one can be perfect.”

That’s such a great excuse for the failure of a post-war plan. “Sorry Mr.Smith, your son died for no reason because we basically didn’t have a plan for Iraq after we demolished it…I’m not perfect, so it’s OK, you can’t fault me…”

Great attitude.

I don’t remember in any other presidency that laws were blantanly broken without any recourse or remorse.

Your analysis of American unions is so warped, I can no longer take you seriously in anything you say on this subject.

you stole that off of my bumper sticker on my old saab:biglol:

bravo to jam for bringing up the best video regarding this. i have been saying that this was a conspiracy since 9-12-01. people thought i was a nutty, godless, taxraising liberal. maybe i am?

i hate to say it, but our next president is going to be jeb bush. he has a higher approval rating than GW ever did as gov. he is a bush, therefore he will have help from dad’s friends. he can actually speak somewhat clear english and the final nail in the coffin is he will be running against hillary. so many people dislike her. we’re fucked.

yeah that must be the plan. they are holding back this information so they can burn conspiracy theorists. :lolsign:

Sure thing boss. I only mentioned unions b/c they ask for a decent wage. Get it?

Soldiers signed up for the service knowing very well what they could be getting into. The maybe so part was in partial agreeance with what you said moron.

Once again, more bitching about the leaders, yet I don’t see you doing jack fucking shit about it. Stfu and do something about it.

You are judging me based off of a grudge I hold against another forum member?
Great Attitude. I can no longer take you seriously in anything you say on this subject.

Beck = copy and paste king.

yeah, union workers are legit because they work so incredibly hard to earn that decent wage… :roll2:

Yeah, right in the army brochure it says in black and white, “Your leaders are incompetent and ready to let you down, please put your life on the line for our poorly planned operations and procedures. We won’t even provide you with kevlar vests so ask your mom to send it in her first care package…”

Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to sign up!!

Yeah, I should get my sniper rifle and assasinate Bush. If I don’t, I shouldn’t be complaining because I didn’t vote for him.

Come up with your own material, no need to steal mine as a lame attempt to get a rise out of me… :smash2:

there is NO way Billary is making it past the primaries… I’d even put $$$ on it. The Dems know that if she makes it thru, their done for yet again.

I actually heard that gore was going to run again… serialy

It doesn’t matter who wins because once they get elected the Bush family will be waiting in the White House with the secret society behind them telling the new President that he/she is just a puppet.:rolljerk:

Infact don’t even bother voting because Bush controls the polls too.:lol:


we need a tin foil hat smilie

edit, found one lol


edit2, this one is better :smiley:


Actually, you haven’t provided any fact that wasn’t provided by some other conspiracy theorist on the internet anyway. You saying that what you are posting is valid is about as legitimate as saying tonights lotto numbers will be 8-9-5-8-9 because I posted them in this thread, and therefor they must be true.

Reference my earlier post to see why you are having so much “fun” with all of this.

Gotta love kids. They’ve had "air-fone"s on planes since the 80s. Cell phones / phones using todays cell system, were not the first phones on airplanes. Cell phones will work from airplanes, don’t believe me? Try it. You’ll light up every cell tower in a 5 mile radius.

Stop being such a dumbass and reposting everything you could find on google about consipracy theories.

Added reference for nay-sayer

Also, please spend time here:


Article with credibility. I’m sure you’ve never heard of SciAm and will whine about how it’s biased media :roll: