What do YOU, think happened at the Pentagon??

i disagree here… take a plane doing 200 mph and try to hit a building without hitting the ground first or maybe just missing by going over the the top… i wonder how much if any experience did the hijackers have flyin such a large plane…

anyway im not disagreeing that a plane may have hit it but i like the Formula F1 and a teenager comparison…

About the phone calls…

“CBS Tech Analyst Larry Magid notes that neither laptops accessing the Internet nor a cell phone on airplanes communicate directly with the ground. The airplane would have to be equipped with its own satellite system that relays the calls or Internet connections to ground stations.”

That satellite shit wasn’t implimented in AA and United flights, until 2004.

They had to all be from Airphones…

FOR CHRISTS SAKE… THERE WERE NO BODIES FOUND WHERE 93 CRASHED!!! This has only happened twice in history…once before at teh pentagon.


Go to this link…

Listen to it/watch it. Its a mom talking about her talking to her son…who was on the plane.

“Mom its Mark Bingham” :lol:


There was no bodies or black boxes found in two of the questioned incidences…

There has never been a domestic plane crash where the black boxes couldn’t be found.

The couldn’t find the black boxes, made from the strongest metal on earth… but they could find a hijackers passport???



i love how the grass looks perfectly untouched…


so they didn’t fly planes into the world trade center?


Notice there are two planes listed (departing from CHM on 9/11) with the same tail number (N644AW). The second one (the same plane of course) has a scheduled departure time of 13:59.

Guess who the owner is? Yep…thats right. The same owner as AA Flight 77.


Here it says…

N644AW departed Columbus @ 8:28p.


It arrives in RR Airport @ 9:39.


All those “facts” Beck has given were taken from an internet video so it must be true.

beckington, are u a structural engineer? in high school, we watched a video that was almost a few hours long that was a very in depth analysis of how the building was designed, and which of its design flaws caused it to collapse the way it did. I hope that you also realize that I know ppl who saw this happen. My next door neighbor saw ppl falling from this building, jumping out of desperation. He was so scarred from what he saw that he had to go on “vacation” for like 2 weeks just to clear his head out. Do you realize how many ppl died??? my friend’s dad worked next door to the WTC. he had stayed up late the night before and was heading into the office late, he walked out of the subway with just enough time to see what was happening, he watched his office building get destroyed. This was NOT and IMPLOSION!! it caused many blocks worth of damage. get your fucking head straight and realize that there are countries that hate us and want our ppl to die. It could have been anything that caused the explosions that ppl saw/heard right before the building went down. it could have been an elevator plummiting, it could have been an electrical fire, it could have been jet fuel leaking, it could have been heating fuel. I hate how liberal fuckbags always assume that the gov’t is trying to fuck them over somehow. What do they have to gain by killing thousands of ppl and destroying the economy for some time???


How do you explain, that there are two planes owned by one company…

One takes off from Duelles…and heads towards ohio. They loose it over ohio, and it appears to stop moving…

“At roughly 8:56 the plane appears to stop in south Ohio:”

Then that 2nd plane, departs the same airport, the 1st plane appears to have “stopped” at. And people Witness people being evacuated, from the plane…with about the same number of people on flight 77.

Then…that 2nd airplane appears on radar… “and its assumed it was 77
and at 9:07 it suddenly reappears further along its flight path then then stops again, apparently moving west:”

The Pentagon is hit @ 9:38 am. That 2nd plane that appeared after 77 disappeared…lands one minute later, at an airport less than a mile away from the pentagon.

Explain that please.

The owner of the world trade centers bought them for less than his insurance pay out was…jsut months before sept 11th.

Bush gets his war.

oh shit… the smoking gun

wait… wait… wait… photochop

edit: boardjnky is my new hero :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you call the FAA to get those graphics or did you get them from a conspiracy website?


the piece of genuine 757 skin with the genuine AA letter fragment could only have come from the right side of the plane. But the plane supposedly came from the southwest and the right side of the plane faced south not north! (The piece is from the letter “n” on the starboard side, as we know because of the length of blank aluminum to the right of the letter fragment (i.e., no letter follows it), because of the shape of the letter fragment, because of the two vertical lines of rivets that are seen to the right of the letter. The piece could only come from the starboard side,

because on the port side there is a door that follows immediately after the letter “n” of American and no stretch of blank aluminum and no rivets – it could not come from the port side.

fuzzy. the metal is facing the wrong way in which the plane hit.

Oh and…
"The famous (cover of Time) picture of a piece of 757 aluminum skin with a fragment of the “American” lettering of an AA airliner sitting on the lawn to the north of the crash has been proven to be a fake. Mark Faram has written to me that he took the first picture of this piece 15 minutes after the crash (he had to come down from the Annex area to get to the crash site.) But almost immediately there FBI was combing the grass for pieces of aircraft debris pieces – such presence of mind given that the entire defense system wasn’t otherwise functioning very well that day – "

you beat me to saying this.

dude you weren’t there, your not an engineer, and all of your facts/statements are based soley on a video that you probably just watched a week ago, from the internet none the less. Not a magazine, or newspaper, or novel or anything, just the internet.

Im not saying some of the points make me wonder, and i could care less about bush or the government, i hate politics and all that crap, but if you seriously are believing in a conspiracy that the government set this up soley on an internet video, then you need to find more credible sources before you try taking on the entire forum with the issue.

beck… i can make an arguement just like you that aliens did it… just give me a week to fabricate some evidence…

^lol truth

i think its funny how u said that u just, “schooled” us.

either beck is honestly slow… or he likes stirring the pot