What do you think of this tattoo?

Ok who knows what engine this is




dsm bro

That’s so white trash IMO.

I have an engine tattoo. yee haw.

thatsssss fucking gross

Looks like shit that’s been pissed on. Seriously, it looks like a child did it with a bic pen.

because you cant put 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lbs bag. if you want something really detailed, it can not be really small, otherwise it will bleed and look like shit over time.

so why carry shit at all?

If you can’t modify it, lets get a fucking 2 foot by 2 foot exploded drawing of a fucking engine… yayyyyy

well if the person wants it to be detailed then it needs to be big. take a look at the tattoo at the top of this page. it’s already going to all smear together. it’s going to be a big blob in a few years.

I doubt it will take that long, with all that single fine line work

I didnt even know what motor that was in the OP, but I figured it was a dubber. :slight_smile: