What does everyone do for a living?

I dunno if there is already a thread like this, I did a quick search but not patient enough.

So what I’m wondering is:

  • Age.
  • What you do for a living.
  • Do you live with your parents/rent/or own.
  • What do you spend monthly on cars.

I’ll Start.

  • 24
  • Transportation Planner
  • Live with the Parents rent free
  • I was spending between $500 - $1000 a month, but now saving for a condo.

It just sometimes boggles my mind how much money some people spend on their cars, I want to know if I’m doing something wrong in life lol

  • 16
  • Studying mechanic and auto-body
  • Live with my Parents
  • I’ve spent 500-1000 in total for now

20(wow when did that happen)
Georgian College - Automotive Marketing (AUTO)
Parents / Relatives for school
Depends whats on sale / catches my eye

electrician/dj’ing on the weekends
mmm, 200/month for insurance?

electrician/3 kids
spend as much as i can hide from my wife on my rides( 89 240 sx, 98 altima, 2003 maxima

Engineering Student (mechanical) - work 50% of the time
Rent with the gf & brother
Usually, as much as I can afford.
Lately, much much more than I can afford lol

23 you dont wanna know rent 700-1200

AutoCAD Technician
Not as much as I would like to spend, lol

Machine Tool Builder Integrator/Mechanical Design
Retarded high rent…
$76/month for insurance on the Titan, $11/month for fire/theft on 240

-Mech. Engineering technologist student/ Student Pilot

-Banker: specialized service officer
-close to $1000 a month on the car alone…insurance, maintenance andwhatever catching my eye that i want to buy.

20 next week(22 son party?)
home depot/flooring on side
moms place
800-1200 depending on whats on sale

student - accounting major at Ryerson
More then i care to acknowledge

Law Clerk - I Do Legal Stuff In a Law Firm, Starting BA in jan o.o…
At Home
Not to sure, Depends on whats for sale.

  • 21
  • Aircraft sheet metal & repair worker
  • Live with parents rent free
  • Recently 1500-2000 would prefer it to be less…

-Transport Dispatcher
-Own a house
-$300-600 a month

commerial refrigeration / hvac tech
live with parents till gf finishes school. got house down payment ready
a month on my car?? meh its was more in the summer but now couple hundred a month.


  • heavy gauge steal framer
    -parents/ no rent
    -1200-2000 a month

HVAC, unlicensed mechanic (5yrs) currently in school(Gr 12) full time then heavy truck and coach apprentice
MAYBE 100-300 every couple of months

a bunch of stuff
own home, married, second son coming
if you average it out and include insurance etc i spend more than $25k a year on cars… wtf is my problem?

bare in mind though that i have my S13 and S14, both of which are heavily modded, and i also have my wife in a new car.