what happend to ubrf

hey i was wondering what happend to the site

cause I was a member till they went somewhere now there website is not a website anymore

I like it here on nyspeed dont get me wrong i just wanted to know what happend to them:zong:


server crash + forum having gone to shit + mods not interested in running the site anymore = forum never brought back

use the search

UBRF = banned…

from teh intraweb…

hey thanks for the replies

It was weird one day its there next the not never really knew what happend but now i do

Thanks all

i see…

I havent gone there in months, then I got bored yesterday and went to check it out and it was gone… I didn’t really care enough to make a thread about it tho

I still miss it…

people love to bitch about ubrf but if it werent for that none of this would exist. 95% of you would still be driving riced out cavaliers, and think that 15 flat stock fox bodys are fast.

however, the unofficially official version what happened is that the server crashed and the database was lost. huk had long prior ‘disappeared’ and the administrative duties of the website were vague at best, so no one was backing it up, mainly for lack of knowledge of how to do it. most of the real OGs (september 2001 OG) are nearing 30 and are married, close to it, or otherwise have enough going on in their lives that cars arent a priority anymore. shrug…

but aren’t 15 second mustangs fast?


I rarely went there after this place became avail.


but aren’t 15 second mustangs fast?


I rarely went there after this place became avail.


they are if you go to the mom’s mustang shootout!


people love to bitch about ubrf but if it werent for that none of this would exist. 95% of you would still be driving riced out cavaliers, and think that 15 flat stock fox bodys are fast.

however, the unofficially official version what happened is that the server crashed and the database was lost. huk had long prior ‘disappeared’ and the administrative duties of the website were vague at best, so no one was backing it up, mainly for lack of knowledge of how to do it. most of the real OGs (september 2001 OG) are nearing 30 and are married, close to it, or otherwise have enough going on in their lives that cars arent a priority anymore. shrug…


Truth right there…

As I said, I still miss it. For sentimental reasons…

so my windshield banner on my race hatch is worthless? wtf?

lol andy.

Yeah, the time when my Jeep was the fastest thing at Furman…