What is everyone doing tonight?

Yeah, I’m bored.

Fuck handing out candy. I want to do something.

Saturday night I was at The Docks for their Return to the Grave rave. good shit. tonight is slow with nowhere to go.

i’m handing out SR clips for halloween.

john call me…im bored as fuck too

same man … any meets tonite or anything??

ps. the docks suck

ps. dc/uoit sucks

ps. halloween sucks

my cousin was the event manager for that, gets paid to drink and party with Bicardi execs.

I heard ed rush tore up the place.

i heard bingaling makes up crazy stories… :scratch:


nah man, its a pretty neat gig,

hes on contract with Clear Channel and his buddy is sorta half way up the totem at CC.

on Nov 19th he is managing the Bicardi Party at a mansion in Ottawa for contest winners… its been in my msn title for weeks, needs more girls for it.

my bro and i are driving up to help out as well.

they are trying to hire people with phat cars just to park them outside…lol… mine isnt baller enough though

bicardi? you mean bacardi?


whatever, i dont drink the shit

debauchery of the body, that is all alcohol is.

whatever, i dont drink the shit

debauchery of the body, that is all alcohol is.[/quote]

debauchery never tasted soooo good. 8)

mmm I could go for some debauchery right now lol

whatever, i dont drink the shit

debauchery of the body, that is all alcohol is.[/quote]


Not only Ed Rush and Optical, but Twisted Individual!

fucking crazy sets.

mmm bunny costumes, nurse costumes, army slut? costumes, tinkerbell, etc.

guys with no shirts on make me sad.

I heard TI’s set was weak… I don’t mind his tunes but apparently he’s not the greatest DJ.

is it me or is holloween getting lamer and lamer, we had like 30 kids come to our house and till like 7:30 max

i used to go out till like 9:30 and there would be people EVERYWHERE!!

Yeah i was thinking that to, i used to hit like 8 or 9 blocks, now kids go up and down the street and there done.