what is the going price of indoor car storage now/ wintertime. Also price if heated.

I have a 5000 sq ft warehouse and was looking at doing storage for cars. Was wondering what a normal price is and also if I heated it year round what could I charge.

We have heated storage for cars during the winter months and charge $95/mth. All money is paid upfront so we don’t have to chase people down each month to collect it.

id be interested in storage for my Z3. PM me when you get a set price

$100/month is the average going price where I live in Ontario.

I charge 75.

Any recommendations of places in Southern Ontario? Especially Toronto or East of TO

Joe is that heated storage? Also do you guys keep any cars yr round ?

07shelby and myself run the same storage place. we charge $95 from october-april typically. summer months is usually less because of the demand. but we charge based on size for anything bigger like a boat, trailer etc.

I pay $400 for 6 months. Nov-April, heated to 55°F

Was thinking about supplying trickle chargers as well if that would effect the price. Would just hate to be empty in the summer months. The last tenant paid 3200 a mo for the whole space which included 4000 Sq ft of additional space as well. As long as I could make 2500 cash a mo I would be happy

Winter months sure. But I’m sure you will have a hard time in the summer filling it with cars. Sure you can prob get a few snow relates things in there but really don’t see you making $$ in the summer.

Not heated.