What is this out of?

I am sorry that I think its stupid that someone picked up a metal elbow from the scrap yard and brought it home just because it says “turbo intercooler”. Then takes a picture and posts on nyspeed, “Where did this come from?”

OMG, There is a turbo car in the junk yard? Holy crap!! BOVs and Wastgates for all!!!

it is just a stupid thread, serves no real purpose. This is not really the type of automotive discussion that I would expect to see on here. Maybe I just expected a bit more out of nyspeed, maybe that was just a big mistake…

that is all, carry on

Off topic means off the automotive topic.

To me it just sounds like you’re not as much of a car nut as some of us. That’s fine, but don’t come here and crap on a thread that some gearheads found interesting. I’m sure there were plenty of posts in OT today to keep you occupied.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing a thread like this daily. This one was a little easy IMO because the font really gave it away.

Oh, OK. Totally legit.

Carry on!


Great, you think it’s stupid that someone was curious about a part on a car…why post your opinion? I find it interesting, and am glad he posted it. If you’re looking for some hard core aut based talk, check out some of the DIY projects going on…maybe that will change your mind as to the abilities of some people on this site.

I understand that…what I fail to understand is the extremely low intelligence level allowed to post in said forum.

Real simple: Then stay out of Gen Auto threads.