What the hell?

So my job requires me to play on the internet all day, and what do i see.

A getto redneck p/u truck.

I feel so bad for that poor s10 that did not deserve this.


haha awesome

$6k for an S-10, that’s cute. :slight_smile:

Go offroading in style. :pimp:


yeah something like that.

that thing is gayer than aids

i would take that thing way before i took some lame-ass modded mini truck

Almost a DONK.

I wanna see it perform in the winter. Its got to be scary around turns.



x3 holy hell :eek:

I love how it says “4 x 4 rear end” what does that mean?

so…it’s a small truck, raised, with big rims… :gotme:

these can be seen almost daily around here…i dont see the big deal. to each his own…

some people are just born with incorrect opinions and tastes i guess…

OK, whats worse? The truck in original post, or…



That shit is donked.

exactly, ppl like what they like. Its correct to them. Id rock it just because.

I found that interesting also. It is not a 4wd I beileve I looked at the other pics he had and it didnt have the normal 4wd push buttons that s10’s come with.

Someone should just buy it, sell the rims and make some money back. With a few more things you could have a truck to take out for some fun every once and a while since it already has a lift.

The only bad thing about it really is the rims. Buy it, sell the rims & replace them with something not so gay. And the truck wouldn’t be that bad.

none of you picked up that he’s willing to take interesting trades? Jump on that shit.