what is with all the guns for sale?

hunting season just ended… christmas is in a week, think about it

well as good as time as any…

im looking into getting a gun does anyone have anything that i should look for… i dont want to hunt i just want to go in the back yard and shoot shit …cars, cans,people you know nothing much i was looking at a AR-15 but someone told me it was not the best for just shooting but i just want to “sandbag” and shoot…

getting rid of EVIDENCE of course

best response of the thread :lol:

if your looking to get into shooting, dont drop $1000 on an AR-15. look into buying a Ruger 10/22. very cheap ammo, rounds dont travel nearly as far, and a much much cheaper price tag for the rifle. if its something you enjoy after shooting a 10/22 then go drop the big bucks on a rifle like the AR-15.


right to bear gahts son. don’t hate. i can carry concealed where i live wit no permit, legally, son!

theres nothing wrong with selling shot guns cuz u dont even need a permit to have or buy one i went to walmart and picked one up all they needed to see was my ID and i was on my way

i did not know that. :shrug:

still though, there has to be some kind of increased risk if nyspeed is used as a marketplace for higher end high powered firearms. not the kind you go to walmart and buy.

yeah vermont is awesome. got in some trouble up there one time. some hotel neighbors bitching about a stun gun. Cop shows up and calls us pussies and tells us to bring a gun next time.

dem guns is fun. They shoot the bullts and goes bang. Nobody be frontin cuse i got me guns. I is the baddest mo fo around.

all i gotta do is take a 45 day course and can carry concealed here too…


You can walk into any gun store and buy any rifle right now, including the AR-15 that is posted here. There is no liability for NYSpeed any more than there is for the gun store, buffalo news, or craigslist. Even the private seller can’t be held liable because NY has no requirements for a private seller to do a background check. If the seller is not liable there is even less responsibility on the advertising site.

There are no licensing laws regarding shotguns and rifles in NY.

You clearly don’t know much about existing gun laws but regardles of your ignorance on the matter you are advocating a policy restricting their sale. Let me guess, you’re a democrat? :wink:

gotcha. good info.

new york state doesnt look any differently towards an assualt weapon like an ak-47 or ar-15 than it does towards the hunting weapons that walmart sells. they are all classified as “long guns” and only require a background check to make sure your not a felon. shit even the .50 caliber sniper rifle is easy to get if you can afford one.


It’s funny, people who don’t know guns see a picture of that AR-15 and have a fit. It’s a .223 round. There are MUCH more dangerous guns available at your local walmart. A .300 magnum is a DEADLY sniper rifle in the hands of a trained marksman. A 12 guage loaded up with buckshot is a much better “mass killing” weapon than that .223 AR-15.

People are stupid this isnt new news. Espically the dumb fuck leftwingers that would try to hate on having a gun to begin with. Why would they bother to get facts about rounds, what its capable of, etc. when they could just spout some bs and get other dimwit followers to go allong with it./rant me sorry i got hot for a sec lolz.

i read it all and completely understand. i guess im not as smart as an ass licking dsm owner!!!

i hope you dont think thats where i was going with this. i was just interested because i saw a trend developing, and i didnt know what type of liability there was.

i dont own a dsm. when i did, my crank never walked. you dont even know what crankwalk is.

what i do know is this: ILLKILLA is a ghey name, makes you sounds like a ghetto thug wannabe. :massmoon:

i posted relivent info and you choped it in a quote(my first post)

what i do knowis this: your a bitch

ive been using this name since i was 12 in the aim days, this way when people i know see it they know its me…