Firearms Topic

Ok, I know how people have this huge fear towards guns in general and was talking to a co-working of mine about the court case in D.C. This lead us to think about just carrying a gun in public.

Is it illegal in any way to carry a shoot gun or rifle in general public? I was looking for something definitive but couldn’t really find anything.

They have some great information on local gun laws, most of which I knew. I can’t seem to find anything saying that you can’t by law carry an unload rifle through town.

We just thought it would be interesting to say the least to have a group of say 5-15 guys walk around somewhere such as OP or the village of hamburg with unloaded guns. It would all be tapped of course to see how the cops would handle the situation.

I know it would be asking for trouble if it was done, but we were thinking purely in theory.



i believe it needs to be concealed or in a case. cant rmember. my penal law class was a while ago

but isnt that a crime…the concealed weapon?

do it, i dare you.

It is most clearly asking for trouble and/or a beat down, but I figured I’d throw it out there to discuss. Its more or less to discuss the law, more then how stupid I would be to do it. The stupidity isn’t the issue.

Also feel free to comment on why our society is deathly afraid of guns, but not say people driving badly.

Firearm deaths account for about 3.7% of homicides in the USA.

? 3.7%

well in DC alone…

well… looking further into it… 7.07 is the death rate per 100,000. out of all homicides… 9.5 per 100,000.

Thats 74%

53% of all suicides is by gun.

Honestly it doesnt matter what the law is. you get 5-15 peoople walking around with guns in public- the response you are gonna get from law enforcement will make an everlasting impression.

to be honest, i think it may be legal to carry rifles(certain types) out in the open. think of the Black Panther type groups, or KKK…and other “militant” groups. you see them having rally’s out in public holding weapons. but i think they arent loaded.

although the response you would get compared to those groups would be night and day.

gun law differs from town to town, county to county, and state to state. so you would have to research all 3 to know exactly whats legal.

in east otto i was ticketed for shooting a gun. even though its perfectly legal to shoot a gun in east otto…you cant be within 200 feet of a neighboring residence when you do.

we have property in east otto and we go can-killing there all the time… i have never had any harassment and the Game Warden and 2 Troopers have stopped there while we shooting, right next to the trailer. Granted the trailer is abandoned and we allow access to the Police to the river at the bottom of our property because we built a nice road to the river so they probably don’t want to harass us too much.

the game warden can care less, he wont harass you about this law unless the neighbor calls them. unfortunately for me the douchebag neighbor that was within 200 feet called the DEC so the warden was forced to ticket me.

I’d love to see the outcome of 15 people walking around OP, or better yet, Amherst, when the Swat team shows up.

Do it, I’ll give you a crisp $1.

You can’t discharge a firearm in Amherst/Williamsville

There are signs when you cross over from clarence


I remember that… lol, morons.

Section 265.35 Prohibited use of weapons

  1. Any person hunting with a dangerous weapon in any county wholly embraced within the territorial limits of a city is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

  2. Any person who wilfully discharges a loaded firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, at an aircraft while such aircraft is in motion in the air or in motion or stationary upon the ground, or at any railway or street railroad train as defined by the public service law, or at a locomotive, car, bus or vehicle standing or moving upon such railway, railroad or public highway, is guilty of a class D felony if thereby the safety of any person is endangered, and in every other case, of a class E felony.

  3. Any person who, otherwise than in self defense or in the discharge of official duty, (a) wilfully discharges any species of firearms, air-gun or other weapon, or throws any other deadly missile, either in a public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, or, in Putnam county, within one-quarter mile of any occupied school building other than under supervised instruction by properly authorized instructors although no injury to any person ensues; (b) intentionally, without malice, points or aims any firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, at or toward any other person; © discharges, without injury to any other person, firearms or any other guns, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, while intentionally without malice, aimed at or toward any person; or (d) maims or injures any other person by the discharge of any firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, pointed or aimed intentionally, but without malice, at any such person, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

i walk around town with a gun :gotme:

where is your land in east otto … i’m between the bar and the baseball field…we also shoot in my yard

^^^ So it’s legal then?

as long as its not loaded…yes.

ur talking about firing a weapon, hes just talking about carrying it