legal to have all black pellet gun in public?

its a 9mm shaped pistol, all black… if its not loaded just being used in a photo as a prop, can i get in trouble for that?

lol I’m gonna go ahead and say yes, if you pull something that looks just like a pistol in public, you will get shit for something.

yes, if you need to do it you probably want to call local police and explain they will probably say no…

what if i tell the officer not to worry, and that i will photoshop an orange tip on the gun later on my computer LoL im funny

hahaha can you take a relistic airsoft gun with an orange tip? then chop that part out? they make some sick real ones.

oh yea or maybe bring an orange tip or like, a piece of orange paper and wrap it around , or just it have there in case im asked about it

Orange tip or not, if you’re talking about pulling a gun in public you’re just asking for trouble.

What exactly are you planning?

A friend of mine in high school got charged with menacing for pointing a black toy gun at someone, so I’m guessing yeah, you’d probably get in trouble for playing with a fake but real looking gun in public.

well i think if i get the shot itll only be shown for a second at a time, not even, just click, got it, ok lets go-type thing
biker - its a series of pix to make a short film/slide show with music etc, just anotehr project i wanted to do

what type of location?

if you’re not in city hall yelling LOOK I HAVE A GUN i think you’ll be fine

I’m assuming you’re going to be in a place that there aren’t a shit ton of people. Plus MOST people are smart enough to figure out that it’s a photo shoot if you’re sitting there with a camera and the person with a gun is posing

most people don’t even care if you have it holdstered to the side of you they think your either brinks or some kind of undercover cop its when your not wearing a holdster that they worry your some crazy


what type of location?


in buffalo kinda near main st, by sheas and 658 , over there, or near that other club(had same owner as marcellas, i cant think of the name of the place)

also the gun wont be like pointed at someone, picture someone with their back up against a building holding a gun with his hand down at his side

theres a police station right over there

walk in looking profesional, camera on the strap around your neck, ask to talk to someone, explain situation, explain it will only take 5 min, ask if they would like to view the pellet gun (leave it on the floorboard of your car uncovered in case they are understanding and say yes"

might get lucky and they will send a car over to observe so noone gets all freaked out

and oh yea, how ever the pellate gun is loaded, open that, and if its got a slide action or a door for the cylinder, leave those open too, and state to the officer that its in that position, making it clear that its not a real gun before he even picks it up to look

I just had this conversation the other day. However the question was if it would be legal to ride down the thru way on my bike to the gun range with my SKS strapped to my back unloaded. I mean its unloaded and I am going to the range, and I do have the 2nd amendment. Wasn’t sure. You be the judge.

yeaaaa … would definantly help if that was in a gun case somehow … or at least in a bag of some sort

That’s kinda what I figured.

just wear a white baggy shirt and a towel instead of a helmet. and you should be fine anywhere with that sks.