pistol permit, new gun advice etc

Yo im looking to get my pistol permit and concealment permit this year…

where is a better place to apply ? saratoga county or out near LVD ? whatever county that is ? As far as how long its going to take I would assume saratoga would be more of a pain in the ass …

For the gun im considering an AMT Hard Baller 45 like these


and if it looks familiar :rofl they used them for the hitman movie :lol

but the only thing im wondering is the price and availability of ammo, because i plan to shoot alot, i hate people who have guns and dont use them

if anyone has any info on the permit crap, and the ammo situation with these guns lemme know

if u think there is a better gun ,more practical, let me know also

i know alot about alot, but when it comes to pistols im a n00bie :smiley:

are you even a citezen ?:lol prolly rens county would be the easiest but ya gotta do it in the cnty ya reside in i belive

i’ve gotten info on this but nothing really solid or straight forward, any info on the process and money involved in gettng a permit would be very helpful also

and one more thing, do u have to tell them what pistol u plan to buy ? if so does it make a difference if u want a small ass pistol or some dessert eagle ?

i can change my address in 1 day thats no issue, so i would assume thats a safer bet than saratoga, it would probably take a fuckin year or more with them out in sarapokedya

and yeah i have an american passport you ass

your lookin at at least a yr anywhere ya go kid .why the need for one now ya gonna blow suttin up? if ya do let me know please so i can get the fuck out lolololol

nah, i just want a pistol before obama says no, im using my stimulus check to cover the funds for the permit and pistol anyways :rofl

besides its my right to have a pistol on me , why not take advantage of that… otherwise might as well move to fucking england

Whatever county you reside in is where you have to apply. You have to have resided there for at least 6 months. Its very hard to get a concealment permit anywhere. I think Warren County and Greene County use to be the easiest but the judges in the respective county’s have so retired so good luck im still in the process for mine.

I’m still in the process as well. Took the NRA pistol saftey course (mandatory in some counties) in March. Took an entire day just to run around to get all the paperwork squared away, passport photos, etc. Now we wait till November to be interviewed by a detective and then we wait the 6 months. If you reside in Colonie, expect to be about 14 - 16 months. A few years ago it only took about 6.

I would love to see them try and take everyones guns away. Talk about a revolution. WOW. God damn democrats.

Oh yea, changing your address won’t work because it will just delay your process. 6 month…

All NYS counties require you to take and NRA Saftey Course.

Yeah my buddy just recently had his interview with a detective. He’s prolly just over a year deep in trying to get his permit.

It’s not easy. You do need to reside for at least 6 months in the county you apply.

You will not get a full carry to start, it will be restricted to target/hunting only. You can then apply after a year or so to get the restrictions lifted.

Doesnt matter where you go you need to take a safety course.

You deffinatly wont get a conceal permit.

They can deny your pistol permit for any reason they want, a friend of mine was told he was denied due to a long history of traffic violations, lots of speeding etc… dunno how accurate that is but i do know they can deny it for any reason the see fit.

A friend of mine had to wait another 6 months as stated above from when he moved to utica and still had an adress listed at his freinds house.

You can only have one official used as a refrence such as a cop/judge etc…

I’d reccomend not using family members, just people that know you well

And trust me when I say having a judge as a reference helps a ton.

well i live in schoharie county and it was easy but this was 2 years ago, as for reference, i had to have 4 ppl and they couldnt be related or any law inforcement, i also could not put the judge down, which by the way i know him well and he told me i couldnt put him down. when you send the forum in the four pple that were your reference will get a form in the mail that they need to fill out and mail in so thats normaly what takes the most time, then as far as where or when you can carry the gun youll find out when you appear infront of the judge and he lets you know. the way things are going right now it will most likely take a long time for u to get approved, and also it doesn matter what the cal. of the gun is. and if you havent already, you have to take your safty course. for me it was easy bec ive been hunting since i was 12 and have taken the safty course when i was 14 and also schoharie county is a bunch of huntin hicks so that prolly made it easier lol, well good luck

by the way if you plan on goin to the range to shoot alot y do you want that cal. Amo isnt cheap and were i live there are certain cals. that you cant shoot on certain ranges so you might wanna check that out before you go buy. I have a 9mm and 40 cal. and i like the 9mm better, cheaper and nicer to shoot if your doing alot of target/playing around, if its for protection a 9mm still has plenty of knock down power to do the job

i’m going to be ordering one of these when i man up and get paperwork in. just been lazy.


ok then clifton park it is, i have bills and shit that go back for ever, fukin bills :Idiots

u cant use a judge i was told

no shooting range, fuck that… and fuck them…

i will shoot this in my woods, i like to shoot more than just some paper and bullshit :smiley:

40 cal, idk its nice, i like the gun more than the ammo, i dont think i can get a 1911 using smaller ballistics ?

when u say expensive, how expensive are u talking for 40 cal ?

as far as my conceal permit, idk, but i will try, im super clean cut, i never been caught for anything, and being a nerdy web designer is perfect

what is the interview consisted of, what do they ask u ? and what are good answers LOL is there shit u should not say, trick questions

when they ask me why i NEED a pistol, and i say simply for protection, is that a bad idea ? if i say cuz i have a right to bare arms , is that a bad idea ? LOL idk what to tell them

you worship allah though…No conceal for you!!

I wanna get two desert eagles and just walk around dual wielding at all times

I really dont understand the reasoning people have for wanting to carry a hand gun…I think it’s a real good way for some dumb fuck to get themselves into a big jam…I could carry as many guns as I want but really haven’t found a reason to do it…I bought a glock 27 thinking I was going to carry but I haven’t taken it out of my house other then going to the range…