How do I get my concealed permit in Saratoga County?

So what’s the first step in this restrictive state?

First thing you need to do is go sign up for the pistol safety course. I did it back in Feb and at that time it was booked out until mid December in our area :’( Sucks because other areas like Albany were almost immediate.

Good thing about being on the list is that if they have early openings or no shows it umps you up the list, and they’ll give you a short notice call(typically a day prior or the day of the course) to see if you can make it in.

You’ll never get a concealed permit in Saratoga County, they just don’t give them out. They don’t even give them to retired cops. Other counties are more lenient but the judge that signs off on them in 'Toga will not issue them. You can get a “hunting and target permit” but filing to get restrictions removed will result in rejection.

call me, foo

from what my brother said its tough to get one unless you have a job thats dangerous and/or carry alot of money for work.
He’s taking the pistol course yesterday and today because he wants a pistol.

Jesus dude I was just kidding about robbing your garage chill

I don’t know of ANY counties in the Capital Region that will give you a concealed right off the bat. However NYS Law says if you are issued a pistol permit it is automatically a concealed permit “unless it has a restriction put on it” which they always do in this area. But the law also states there has to be a valid reason for said restriction. Basically you will have to get your pistol permit then wait like 2 years go to the judge and re-apply for concealed, and if you get turned down again, wait another 2 years and so on…there really is no easy way in the Capital Region to get one, being a cop, military etc. has ZERO affect on being able to get your permit faster or having it be a concealed permit. Another false claim is that putting cops, military, govt officials, etc. as references speeds up the process which is not true unless of course one of your reference is the Sec of Def or the President himself.

But yes you will need to take a safety course (only valid for one year from date of course) and some counties require writing an essay of why you need the permit (Schenectady I know is one because its where I live) and I believe in Saratoga County you also need to buy the pistol first before submitting all your documentation so the serial number can be on the application. (It will sit at the store you purchased it from until you get your permit)

In Columbia County, that is all they give out. It’s either all the way or nothing.

ga will not issue a concield permit . Sucks but it is the way it is . A good friend of mine judge wormuth can’t get one lol

That’s funny, my friend has had his for at least 4 years now and he lives in the town of Milton which is most definitely Saratoga County.

Anyone can get a pistol permit. Idk about a conceal and carry

He has an unrestricted pistol permit as does his step dad.

Nobody said you cant get one, they just dont give concealed out to anyone so he shouldn’t get his hopes up that he will apply and just get it.


Anyone can “apply” for a pistol permit. Just because you apply for one DOES NOT mean you get one.

Actually, 2 people in this thread so far have said they don’t give them out in Saratoga County. So yes, someone did.

Just handed most of my paperwork in today for schdy, and put a deposited on the gun I want. Jammer, pm me…

not true. Since judge drago stopped doing it in schenectady county there has been concealed permits issued right off the rip.

judge Versaci FTW. i have to move back to schenectady county now.

If you get your permit in one county than move to another is there anything you have to do?

Thats good to know. Now I can finish putting my paperwork in and stop procrastinating LOL