Thinking about getting a hand gun....

I work at a bar in Atlanta and recently there have been muggings at other bars in the area. One bar tender was shot and killed two weeks ago and a couple was mugged at gun point. The couple had just gotten into their car when the “mugger” tapped on the window with the gun. The guy in the car had a gun on him and shot the mugger 6 times, killing him. I typically walk out of work ~4:30am and would feel much safer if I had a way to protect myself if I were to ever be in a similar situation.

With that said, what are the steps needed to get a fire arms permit? Concealed permit?

odd are your going to get youself killed rather than saved…
its gunna take a little while for you to get your permit, in the meantime, learn some karate

you live in atlanta… which is not buffalo, meaning we cant help you. Please consult your local laws & regulations

get a glock .40

every state/city/county is different. Go to your town hall and ask them.


We’ve been there, done this X7475865 times. Search!

Watch your ass though. I always cry bullshit when a victim gets the best of his mugger only to be sued later on for everything he has.

Don’t shoot him in the back.

Make sure he’s dead.

Erie county is the hardest place in the nation to get a CCW. It takes about 18 months. They make it so hard, that you don’t want to even get it.

I’m sure GA, is much different.

from what ive heard the south is a joke with gun laws

Get a different job?

I’m guessing you can get the permit pretty easily in GA. Sounds like about 60 days.

Then look for something you can actually conceal easily. Yeah, a .40 or .45 has a lot of stopping power, but with a full clip they’re heavy and not real easy to conceal in street clothes. If you wear a suit it’s one thing because you can holster it inside your jacket, but in jeans and a shirt it’s much harder.

My boss just picked one of these up:

And a pocket holster similar to this:

Then the most important thing is you have to learn to use it. Sign up with a local gun range and get lots of practice. God forbid you ever have to actually use it in self defense you need to be completely comfortable with handling it.


good luck.

Learn to do this if you do get one :

LOL word


yes model 22 .40cal is hands down the best hand gun

I live in GA too. I know being active military my concealed carry stuff took like 2 weeks. I have a S&W M&P .357 SIG. LOVE IT

get yourself a decent knife for now, then when you get your permit get a glock or a springfield XD


Every place is different. The only thing that I’m required to carry on me when carrying my gun is a blue card that states I am the owner of said gun. I can carry it loaded with 1 in the chamber in my car without a concealed permit here either. No clue about Hotlanta though.