How do I get my concealed permit in Saratoga County?

You should go to the counties Sherrifs office with proof of address for that county so they can transfer it to that county. (I believe that is needed not 100% on that though)

Yep, you need to go to get your permit “amended” for your new address, similar to getting another pistol added.

Here’s the kicker… If you have a concealed carry no-restriction permit in the county you used to live in, the judge from the new county can put a restriction on it so you lose the concealed carry. I know some people that have moved from their issuing county and haven’t gotten their driver’s license or permit changed to the new county for this reason alone.

Pretty much, most judges around here (I’m in Albany county) will look at it this way…
If you are only using your pistol for target shooting and hunting (which is pretty much all you should put on your app for why you want one, NEVER say it’s for self defense or protection, you’ll most likely get denied), the judge will put the restriction on it that you can only hunt or target shoot with it. Essentially if you don’t absolutely need it, you have no reason to have it, thus you won’t get it.

Ur right. I didn’t clarify

Personally, I think its dumb to carry unless you think you would be in danger without it, which I bet everyone on here does not feel threatened everytime they step out the door. I do know some cops and retired cops that still carry off duty and for good reason, they deal with scumbags and have pissed a lot of them off, reason why retired cops are allowed to carry at their discretion now.

Theres a lot of instances I can personally think of where someone said they wish they had their pistol on them for self defense, and in realitiy I would see it doing more harm then good even down the road.

IMO around here there is absolutely no reason to carry on you while your just out and about, and all it takes is one brain fart on your end when you feel threatened to take shit to far.

really though, some people just want a concealed carry permit just ot have it and thats fine, i just happen to know a few retards that have gotten it and carry all the time which I am not a fan of

I’ll just carry a rifle around I guess

I best pull out my strap and lay them busters down.

Dont be a puss, just open carry.

Or move out of tax and regulatory crazed big brother state to somewhere with a one page CCW app and a safety course that you can take from that hilljack who shot JCrist in the dick.

LOL do you have your open carry down there? I know DJ told me it only took him like 2 or 3 days to get his.

As I understand it, you dont need a permit to open carry, anyone can. Anyone over 21 without a felony on their record, mentally unstable, or dishonorable military discharge can get a concealed. Yeehaw. Shot guns off my buddy’s deck last weekend. Def not NY attitude towards firearms.

And thats why the crime rate is low in Va, people are afraid to rob anyone down there lol.

Its funny how no one realizes the crime rate in northern va and the crime rate in dc literally 50 feet across the river changes and no one put the connection to the gun laws.

This is one of the reasons im not looking forward to moving back to NY. Im stationed in WA and from the time I applied for my ccw and the time i got it was right around a week.

Median home income would have nothing to do with that. :wink:

Don’t do it, just my two cents

I feel sorry for you guys.

So hypothetically, lets say I moved to NY. Would I have to sell all of my shit or would I be grandfathered in?

From the NY State Police Website:

New York State currently has no reciprocal agreements with any other states and does not recognize any other state’s licenses. It would be unlawful for an individual to move to New York State and possess handguns in the state without first being licensed by the county in which the individual will reside.
There are two options for individuals already in possession of handguns in their home state.

  • They must either leave the weapons in the possession of an individual in their home state who may lawfully possess them until such time as the owner can legally possess them in New York State, or
  • They may leave them in the possession of a licensed gun dealer in their home state who would be willing to hold them until that individual can lawfully possess them in New York State.

Fuck NY.

what did you get? took me 3 months to the day from the time i handed it in to the time i picked up the permit.


as far as restrictions go… there are certain animals that are open season year round. there are also places to shoot 24/7(for the most part). just sayin.

Not much of an animal hunter here, just target/fuckin’ around destroying stuff.

me 2. and the second part wasnt addressed to you. im just saying that even with a hunting/target restriction people can still have it more than they think.

keep targets and ear plugs in your vehicle. how can they proof you didnt just leave the range or on your way to the range?

the restrictions are total bs and unconstitutional. you wont go to jail for carrying with a restriction. but you do take the risk of the judge pulling your permit if he finds out. but in my opinion if something gets all the way back to the judge about what you were doing or a situation you were involved in with your pistol/pistol permit hes prolly going to pull it wether its restricted or unrestricted.

bottom line is, be responsible, make smart decisions, and youll have nothing to worry about.