Pistol permit

Anyone have theirs? I am looking to get mine in Montgomery county and wanted to know what kind of a pain is the a$$ this is going to be.

The permit itself isnt too bad, a concealed is VERY difficult though!

well according to some people in the other thread a regular pistol permit is a concealed permit now.
Really I dont believe that but other people do.

thats a more recent development

Your an idiot, in that other thread I posted an insert from the NYS Firearms Laws, stating how that works. And yes it does as long as there are no restrictions on your permit. Click the link below and scroll down to carrying…and read CAREFULLY.


I should be getting mine mid to late this year. What a PITA.

Basically it says you have to prove you need it. Otherwise its restricted.

From what I understand from reading that a normal pistol permit has restrictions on it.

Yep, they won’t give a conceal to someone like us. You have to prove yourself responsible for awhile and then ask to have the restrictions taken off. Full carry ftw! I plan on trying in a couple years…

It took me 13 days to get mine…I applied a few days after 9/11 … had a few good contacts too, but they “wuz handing dem out” back then. Expect 8-10 months in Albany county at the moment, not sure about other counties.

I am half way through the process of getting mine right now as well. Being a resident of Democratic Warren county means it will def be restricted but I will apply for concealed in a couple of years. It takes about $200 and 6 months to get the permit. 4 months of that is waiting on the feds to process your fingerprints/background check.

Good luck!!

Some tips:

  1. Dont ask for concealed right off, you will not get it.
  2. Join a range, they will want to see you are a part of SOME sportsmans club somewhere.
  3. Be responsible for 1-2 years with a restricted permit and request the restrictions dropped. You will have to write a letter to the Judge and take another course.

Montegomery county may not be so bad.

Just drive into the east end of amsterdam, trade a 15" sub and a PILE1000 watt amp for one.

^ That’s what I’m thinking :lol



All Ive got is a 10" Lightning Audio sub. What will that get me?


Shit Im staying out of Amsterico then. I plan on keeping my anal virginity intact.

ROFL. I love this place.

Two officers are coming tomorrow to interview my girlfriend and I at our house. Kinda nervous.