Pistool permit..

Any of you doods have yours? I want to get mine. I live in Erie county not looking for full carry, just ur normal permit. Where do I start? I know there’s a bunch of classes and shit i need to take. Any insight would be appreciated.

be ready to wait at least 10-12 months for the process. if you have anyrelatives in niagara county it will go alot faster if you get it there

learn how to spell pistol properly

it is a major pain in the ass. good luck LOL. :tup:

it was intentional. Thanx for the grammar lesson. You gunna tell me I spelled thanx wrong too?


If what you are doing now doesn’t work out for you, you can always coach people on their misuse of the English language.


thanks man, I could care less how you spell on here but make sure you use proper grammar on your permit application

good luck

I have my full carry permit, issued in Niagara County. As was stated, it’s far easier in Niagara County than in Erie. Your starting point would be the Erie County Clerk’s Office - Pistol Permit Department. They’ll give you a packet with instructions, and should be able to answer any questions. It will take you close to a year (if not more), and you’re not likely to get anything besides a target/hunt permit, even if you apply for a full carry. IIRC it will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 to 200 dollars by the end. Don’t bother if you have a criminal record, you’ll just be throwing away your money.


sweet, i wanna do this aswell…now i kno how too…

Move to niagara county.

Erie County is a joke, I wasted $200 even trying to get one.

Only criminals in Erie county are the ones with guns. God forbid a law abiding citizen be able to get a pistol permit so he can carry a gun legally. :roll:

i applyed got rejected and now fighting it ny state is fucken retarded

move to Allegany county. I applied and got mine in the mail 4 weeks later, cost me 100 bucks… my .45 USP H+K however was a bit more :snky: I called the DMV, got the forms then went to the Sherriff dept to get finger printed. They did a phone interview with me a week later, called my 5 references and BAM!.. permit in the mail.

EDIT: I have an unrestricted concealed carry permit.

just go to the buffalo gun center and pay the 55 bucks for the class. send in paperwork and wait

my friend lived in PA. he said he walked into the town hall signed some shit and walked out with it that day!

Is it really that hard for them to take your finger prints and look on the police data base to see if you have any kind of record? It’s bullshit that you have to jump through hoops to get something that’s guaranteed by the constitution

Welcome to Big NYS government! Im so glad i live in an eternal “blue” state.

i filled mine out in April paid the $105.50, did my finger prints and i am still waiting, but once you get it done just forget you ever did it and one day it will arrive

I have an unrestricted concealed carry permit from Monroe county. I takes almost a year but is pretty easy to get here.

also hope you dont have any pissed off ex girlfriend’s or neighbors… they will be phone interviewed