Erie County Pistol permit - opinions needed

I’m about to turn in my pistol permit application. From what I can tell, the current judge is a lifetime NRA member and is more than willing to give an unrestricted permit if you can show that you have experience with firearms and have a legit reason to carry concealed.

I want some opinions as to what people think about my reason for my application. I would love to write a dissertation as to why I want a full carry but the box isn’t very large. I unfortunately cant think of a way to make it for business protection so I am SOL for that route. This is for off duty carry only (i would be terminated if I carried while at work).

I am a Paramedic for Rural/Metro Medical Services in Cheektowaga and frequently transport unstable psychiatric patients (often involuntarily- NYS 9.41/9.45) who may be angry with the outcome of their treatment. There have also been instances where a patient has a less than favorable outcome and the family blames me for that outcome. I live in the town that I work in and have a high risk of being recognized in public by these patients or family members while off duty.

So you’re going to possibly shoot a patient? Normally a job that deals with large sums of money or security are more generally granted. Ny sucks with guns.

This is for off duty carry only (i would be terminated if I carried while at work). I have absolutely no issue shooting a former patient while off duty if they pose a legitimate threat to my life. None at all.
I have been in multiple fights with patients while on duty, I cant imagine what they would do while I’m not in uniform.

"I live in the town that I work in and have a high risk of being recognized in public by these patients or family members while off duty. "

NY isn’t the issue as much as erie county is. Niagara county doesnt have nearly the same issues that erie does. From what I hear, the city of niagara falls is down to less than 2 months for their applications.


What got me my permit was “I hike and fish in remote areas and would like to carry legally for self defense” and then list a concealed carry course you intend to take. Boom. Done.

I was told NEVER to bring up “self defense”. Interesting that worked for you. You’re in Erie county? The hunting/fishing thing is interesting…but don’t they have separate restrictions for that vs. concealed carry in public?

Are you in erie county? I agree that is interesting. Its not really hunting, but its a legit reason for the “self defense” excuse. From what I understand, if you get denied and then killed while partaking in that activity by someone, your family could have a lawsuit because the restriction didnt allow you to legally protect yourself even though you provided a legitimate reason. I dont claim to be a lawyer so someone who knows more than that, feel free to correct me.

Take a pistol permit course and they will tell what to write, word for word.

I did, and they didnt. They gave examples of what has worked for other people in the past, but generally in erie county its a lot more hit and miss to get a full carry.

Good luck with that. I tried everything in the book to get an unrestricted permit, including the things listed as valid excuses on the application. I have had my permit for 3 years now, and it seems unless I am the owner of a legitimate business, I am stuck with a target / hunting permit.

If you find anything that works, outside of paying an attorney to speak for you, please let me know.

NY sucks for us gun owners. My brother in VA just got his cc permit and only had to fill out an application. He said if they don’t get back to you within 45 days you automatically get a cc permit. That’s how it should be but NY is pretty messed up.

It’s not NY a lot of it is Erie county

Erie county is far worse…maybe the worst out there. NY in general is pretty strict overall tho. There’s a reason many knife makers won’t ship to NY for fear of confiscation. Ammo isn’t shippable from some sources to NY.
I know Niagara county is WAY faster to get your permit approved and they actually DO give cc permits with less BS from what I hear. The further out you go from Erie county the better your chances. How it takes them 6-12 months to approve a basic permit is beyond me. Wishin I was a country bumpkin right about now. LOL

When I took the course years ago, I was told to apply for the hunting / target permit as unrestricted carries were almost never granted, unless you knew someone. The instructor said if you kept a clean base permit for a couple years and proved you weren’t going to get in trouble, you had a better chance to upgrade instead of being turned down applying for the “bigger” permit. Glad you brought this up. I have to submit my paperwork for upgrading to unrestricted carry and would like to know what people are suggesting to write in the “reasons for permit” box. If I’m not mistaken (correct me if I’m wrong) but I think your permit (hunting or carry) is only valid for the county in which it’s issued. Go to and post this. I know you’ll get a better more accurate response. Update on this thread if you could.

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

If it’s not for self defense then what’s the reason for carry? “I don’t want to wait in line at the restaurant for a good seat. I think a carry permit would help with this.”

NYC and surrounding areas are the worst.

The problem with NY is that they allow the counties to arbitrarily decide when to issue CC. I live in orleans, they grant a CC permit, no questions asked, to everyone that applies, as long they pass the background check etc.

Nyc is impossible to get a permit unless you’re highly qualified for it.


Monroe County is far better than Erie from what I hear as long as you don’t live in the city and most of the surrounding rural counties grant them no questions asked like Copper280z said.

I went target/hunting to start because the course told us everyone approved gets target/hunting anyway except in very rare circumstances. Waited 18 months and went unrestricted. The target/hunting restriction is only recognized in Erie County anyway, and you could always be “hitting the range later on in the day” if something came up.

Just stating what I was told by a handful of people, including the course instructor. “I transport money for my business” doesn’t sound the same as “self defense”. Yes, they mean the same thing but one sounds more of a professional need and one sounds…well thuggish. This was Erie county where the advice was meant to be applied.

I’m not saying I agree with this bullshit. I find it disgusting they are selectively respecting and overriding amendments as they please. Anyone in on a class action? I’d be in on something like that. #occupymywaistband LOL

Terrible set of laws, so the second amendment doesn’t apply in Erie county? I count down the days until we move to Texas.

You have to have a real good reason to get a Full Carry permit in Erie County, unless you know someone high up. Handling money, or owning a business where you deal with cash or valuables on a daily basis usually qualify. Protecting yourself from deranged patients, I highly doubt wold, and lets be honest, you don’t really want a Full Carry for that reason anyhow. At your interview he will press you on your reasoning.