Pistol Permit guys, come in.

Looking to apply for my pistol permit, specifically concealed carry.

21 years of age, clean record, etc.

Have owned guns personally since I turned 18, now I’m looking for my pistol. I own a window sales company that does business all over buffalo, including impoverished areas. I frequently have large sums of cash and additionally valuable items in my possession.

What are my chances of being approved?

Or should I aim lower and just go for a target pistol permit.


I would think your reason is legitimate enough to get a “FULL” carry (They are all concealed carry in NYS if you have it on you).

You have a decent chance in Erie county due to the fact you have your own business. I have a feeling they will give you a restricted permit anyway and make you wait a couple years before lifting restrictions. I have had mine for 4 years now and got denied twice for unrestricted. I have nothing on my record, but according to them, I have insufficient reason for an unrestricted permit.

Have you taken the course yet?

Erie county pretty much everyone gets target/hunting to start. I got my unrestricted but I waited a couple years with the t/h and had some :snky: connections.

Contact Jim @ http://ftwny.com/ he can help you through the process and give you advice.

You are young and in erie county. These two things really hurt your chances.

Ok, here’s what I was told when I applied.

Apply for target / hunting first. No legit reason you should be denied with a clean record and good references. Give it a couple years to prove you won’t get into trouble (like road rage pistol whip someone). If you’re denied on an unrestricted carry application, you’ll need to start the process over.

I have the paperwork to upgrade, just need to fill it out and send in. I was also told not to use theft of property / money as an excuse to carry. If you get robbed, give up the money and you have nothing to fear. I disagree as you cannot predict how far a robbery may go, even if you give it up. Anyone having more experience may be more helpful. I’m in the same boat as you.

thanks I just sent info to reg. for the September 9th class.

I have never been convicted of a crime that prohibits me from possessing or acquiring a firearm under Federal or State law. I am of sound mind and have
never been committed to a mental institution or mental health care facility. I hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if I knowingly make any false statements herein, I am subject to penalties prescribed by law. I
authorize the sheriff, or his designee, or, in the case of first class cities, the chief or head of the police department, or his designee, to inspect only those
records or documents relevant to information required for this application. If I am issued a license and knowingly become ineligible to legally
possess or acquire firearms, I will promptly notify the sheriff of the county in which I reside or, if I reside in a city of the first class, the chief of
police of that city. This certification is made subject to both the penalties of section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S. 4904) relating to unsworn
falsifications to authorities and the Uniform Firearms Act.

^ You think something like that would work. But Erie county believes no one has a right to defend themselves.

Move to Niagara county


Did you look into the Florida non-resident permit?

Not valid in NY. NY people only get that because FL has reciprocal agreements with so many other states, especially PA and OH who don’t have reciprocal agreements for NY permit holders.

I think it’s because NY refuses to honor most other state’s permits.

^I know that. I was asking him if he knew about it. The UT/FL/AZ course is awesome to get if you travel a lot.

---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------

My comment to him was vague, I admit.

in Erie Co you should have no issues getting target/hunting, but without a connection you have almost no chance of getting carry