What is your debt?......

With car,bills and others. What is ur debt right now? Just wondering becasue now with the engine rebuild and other money being put into it i,ll owe around $6,400 all together,bills,engine and so fourth. :frowning: :mad: :rant:


about $300 for an insurance payment

I was in pretty deep when I built the 240. When i parted it out, i used all the cash to get myself out. Right now i Have a visa with like $200 on it.

I have a house and a small school loan so I am in the 100+K range

prob about 10k including car and credit cards and whatnot

3500…with school maybe about 12,000

between me and the girlfriend we are probly around 10k

I don’t know, something like $170,000 with house, cars, & home equity loans. :puke:

Probably approaching 150,000

about 12,000

99.99999% of it is my car

right around 55k… thank you school loans!

I’m so glad I didn’t go to College…

about 3k in credit card bills mostly due to car

150,000 > 55,000

150,000 is a house and Vehicles

55,000 is just college loans…

I at least own my home and my vehicles. You folks with those ginormous school loans will have to wait longer to purchase a home. It sucks…

About $120,000 (Home, Truck, Jenn’s Bike, 1 revolving Visa)

school’s are crooks. degrees are a dime a dozen. supply > demand, prices fall… except in colleges. school’s are crooks.

School and car are paid off and I pay all bills in full monthly.

About $1500

$20 to 1320’s mom and $1480 in the resulting hospital bills for dehydration.

45k between college loans, and personal loan. cars are paid for in cash.