If you sold everything and paid off debt, would you be + or -

don’t forget Student loans, car loans, mortgages and $$$ you owe your mom :slight_smile:

My net worth = :lol:

Lets see, I could sell the truck for what I owe, sell the house for more than I owe. The net income from the house would pay off my bookie, which leaves the wife and I with our student loans. Then we’ve got that account in the Cayment Islands.

Yeah our net worth is actually positive. Which is pretty good considering we’re in our mid-20’s and have a fuckload of student loans.

probably up roughly 8k. but ive only got 6k in debt.

Including trust funds?

student loans pwn me.


and car loans :frowning:

actually, yes, i would be in the +

tust funds count.

ugh. x3 on that.

I’d be +

  • but BARELY… my car has a bunch of equity into it that can cancel out my student loans… misc crap could cancel CC debt, and i havnt closed on the house yet… but when i did, i could probably turn around and sell it for a SMALL proffitt… but not enought to cover points+ Real Estate commision /taxes i suppose

Id be plus. I owe student loans but its <5000 now, a couple credit cards in the 300 range. But my bike was bought in cash (kbb 64000) could pay off all my debt. My e36 is payed off but my e46 is not, but its worth more than I owe. Other than that, I mean tv’s tools, furniture, etc etc. Id def be in the positive…


Not by as much as i’d like. But I guess thats always the case.

I’d be in the positive about 12k

I’d be in the + but not nearly as much as I’d like.

The house kills me because I’ve only had it 6 years. I have equity in it, but not a lot. Give me 10 years and if I don’t do stupid things I should be way +.

Kind of a tough question. They always say something is worth only as much as someone will pay for it.

If I sold everything I own tho for what I bought it for, I would be way - since I am only out of school since January

I have 0 loans and a credit card I pay off once a month.
My 2 major investments are my MBA (done and paid for) and my V (paid as of the first of the year)l. I will have plenty of debit once I get a house, but I don’t plan on going upside down on that.
Everything else is very liquid in stocks, bonds and money market accounts.

So +

No morgage.
No Student loans.
No car payments.


Don’t worry soon as I find what I am looking for I will turn that into a huge fucking negative

about $15k up on my car
$20k in home audio equipment
$27k for my impala

minus about student loan ($23,475)
No CC debt anymore.
No mortgage as of yet
so I would be up

This isn’t including 401k and money in the market, right?

I have none of the above. I’m sure I will soon though.

For now I am in the positive