If you sold everything and paid off debt, would you be + or -

by selling off are we liquidating investments too? If so, up a lot, if not up by not as much as i would like.

shouldn’t there be a poll?

^ Thought about that, but then there would only be 3 posts.

add a poll zd

+. By enough to live in a 3rd world country for a bunch of few years. So about $358.27 or so. :smiley:

Probably a bunch more if you count a complete liquidation which includes 401k, ROTH, stocks/funds, etc.

Not enough, but more than I had.

With the poll added, I think a lot of people are lying. I mean school loans! WTF! Did all of you assholes go to ECC for a year or something? UGHHH!!!

Maybe some people’s parents paid for the college

if I got market value or near market value on my house i’d be + for sure

edit: does this include cashing in stocks/funds? if so then certainly, even if i got a crap deal on my house :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, includes Stocks and 401K

I paid for college myself… went to UB for 5 years :slight_smile:

Can we change the last one to say “I spend 75% of my gross income on a car and live in my parents basement”

i would have to say that I would be in a world of pain

luckily i only paid for myself for a year of college, or yes i’d be in the red like whoa

Does “everything” include spare organs, bone marrow and blood?

Yeah student loans own me as well.

  • a few g’s
  • by quite a large margin.

I do find it ironic that people that say “if I sold my car I’d be positive” are ragging on others for their financial choices.

No, I didn’t graduate last year, and don’t make $50k/yr :walter:

But to your point, I bet a big part of it is people thinking they’d sell their car for quite a bit more than it would actually go for.

No school loans
No car loans
No mortgage
$$ in the bank
$$ in my whips
$$ in 401K

I’d be + a bunch

Until I buy a house, which I’d like my first house to be paid in mostly cash.

i woudl still be in the -Student loans own me…but not by very much i would say 5k…me car isnt worth squat and I know it