If you sold everything and paid off debt, would you be + or -

its a private poll, numbnuts.


+, by a lot.

I have almost no debt right now, just the house. Break even or small loss and i’m still way in the black

All those mods add up!

True, but you wouldn’t believe the insecurities a lot of people have when it comes to finances etc. Lying to yourself helps ease the blow of responsibility and commitment, remember?

lol. i suppose.

this week I’m probably plus $40k, as of next wednesday I’ll be minus > $100k.

No loans FTW.

id be rich

If I hadn’t gotten into racing and building cars I’d be less poor.

Edit: I don’t owe much anywhere.

My only debt is student loans and car.

I could sell the car and be in the +

But the school loans would keep me in the - anyway :frowning:

^ Then the ultimate answer is -


that wasn’t the question, if you sold everything, meaning the house you buying to send you currently into a negative state on your assets/liabilities reconciliation… as the question is worded, you’d sell it back at FMV, and if you are saying you are +$40k now (meaning assets-liabilities) then you’d still be plus.

Thanks for Reiterating what I said :squint:

no prob. Just wanted to make sure that youweren’t trying to fool yourself.


i was going to say i’d be way positive until i read the words “student loans”

but, when i consider money i have put away from passed grandparents that they intended for me to use on a down payment on a house when i graduate…i still think i’d be a bit positive if i used that money to pay off all student loans.

i took out a small personal loan to get all the swap shit done on the Z, and for extra repairs i knew it would need immediately following the swap…and that’ll be paid off within a couple months (which is a great feeling)…

Try as I might,I can’t seem to shake the reality of it all:tantrum:

I don’t have a debt, because I never borrowed money to pay for stuff I couldn’t afford.

So If I sold everything I’d be very far in the +

I’d be + after selling my house, cars, businesses, etc. I am almost in the black now if it wasn’t for my mortgage, but I do have about 60k of positive equity in my house so technically I am in the black!