If you sold everything and paid off debt, would you be + or -

  • bout 60k

you are correct. I’d probably be plus, but a lot less since closing costs and selling the house costs would eat a good chunk.

everything i own? i’d prob be in the +

Student loans 20k+
Old car~1200
Bank and parents-450
$55,650 in the neg.

no way I could pull out of that and make it a +

I’d be ahead by a lot.

No school loans. Living at home during college for 4 years was probably my smartest financial decision of my life.

I owe a couple hundo on my credit card, but that get’s paid every month in full.
Car is worth more than I owe.

  • worth for me as I stand.
  • worth if I sell all my toys, etc.

It always blows my mind how much information people are willing to share on the internet.

I’d be around $15 grand in the + once i pay of my CC (that i charged a good amount of my wrangler on), but i’d be without a vehicle or any personal items…lol

just started working again so I’ve been throwing about $2 grand a month towards my debts. once thats done ill be very happy.

hmmm…If i sold my car, house, land in other country I owned, take out money from mutual fund and stocks. then paid up my house, student load(6k) :slight_smile: I would have around 100k of cash in the end.

mortgage free house = :slight_smile: that puts me about 100k in the positive

other than that id probably be about 5 to 10k in the negative, or the positive if i sold all of my small crap(computer and car parts and hot tub and stuff)

so an aunt died and left it to you or something?

god i wish i was left a house of any shape, anywhere. that would be fucking fantastic

Where do I sign up for this program?

or maybe im a baller and paid cash :pimp:

actually it was grandparents

$0 in CC debt, $0 in car loans, no other loans, no mortgage, no $ owed to parents, +/- $10K in student loans, 4 cheap cars paid for. But I tend to collect shit so if I sold off my vast parts collection, plus all of the other shit I’ve collected over 23 years, I’d be doing all right. I just lack time to eBay it all.



If I sold my TA, Truck, TV, Drums, and my guns…I’d have prolly like $5-6K lol. So I would be a few k richer.

Haha, hence my immediate edit. I was like, hmm, maybe none of this needs to be said on the internet, haha.

i’d probably break even…maybe have 1k

Why don’t we shorten the poll and make it

“I think I have more money than you so I’ll list all the shit I own”
“I know I don’t have more money than you”

We can let people :rolljerk: each other faster that way.