What is your dream job?

its not all its cracked (pun intended) to be. :rofl

My shop is my brother and I’s dream. One where we can have a few good employees that share the same goals and just want to go to work, get shit done and get paid. Stop dealing with nickel and dimers with unrealistic expectations for said bend over backwards for little in return work. A shop with all the tools, good ones not cheap shit, that I need to get the work done in house to the very best of our ability.

As much as people dont like him, Jesse James is what I am shooting for. A man and a business that he built, made the mistakes along the way and learned from them. Has a bunch of shops with all the right tools and capabilities to build anything that pops into his head. The man knows he has the skills to get the job done on a world class level, and doesn’t give a fuck about haters.