not sure about what to do anymore..

anymore all i ever do is work… … period… always @ work 9-6… then from work go home… eat then go to the garage… work on something… boxing stuff… tearing for cars… then coming home working on the computer to see what parts i gotta ship… answer questions… which always take a good hour or 2… then i play on the forums…

basically im always busy… except tuesdays’ … i go out drinking that night…

and now ive been with my new girl alot… and she’s kinda waking me up on somethings… for the good…

she’s a dental hygenists… and im a dumbass… :wink: she thinks im stupid for wanting a change but i have to do something soon…

i didn t go to school because i was in hs making plans to work with my uncle…

its no bad working for him as i get paid salary… and take vacations alot… when ever and pay isn t bad at all

BUT going from one garage to another is getting old… i always’ loved turning wrenches but anymore im just getting sick and tired of it… unless its on my personal toy car… not parting cars out… breaking… grinding… bolts… just getting realllllllllyy old.

i just had classes for work the pass couple days to do something new which will get me more money…

BASICALLY in my huge run on sentence im just trying to say i could go to school… but i always sucks at english… i work well with wires… but don t wanna be in the car business of anytype… unless its my own

im just confused in life…

im not a dead end type of person and im always working harder to make more money some how… some way and i wanna do things differently…

any idea’s :sadwavey:

i’m in a similar boat… so i have no idea.

you could get into real estate… it’s good money, the training is very short, and it leaves you enough free time to work on your car.

another thing is i pay 1000 a month in payments… so i could never stop working 40 hours a week… and if i quit the whole internet/garage thing i have going for me then there’ goes all my vacation’s and bonus toy money… heheh

i only get about 19k a year and im 22… which isn t really to good… BUT thats just work… i make more up my garage a month when actaully pushing myself… so im just lost…

i gotta give up somethings…

my brother tries to get me to move to texas which would have worked but i don t wanna leave my girl or my grandma cause’ shes getting about that time…

i did think about this… as i have an awsome credit line and buying and resaling wouldn t be hard for me…

but id have to be my own… instead of working for someone…

but i guess selling a house for a company’ would be like selling a car at the dealership huh? all commision…

real estate is not as easy as it sounds, it can be done and you can make a lot of money, but it takes a long time to build up your name. my $.02 on that

If you make good money working on cars on your own part time, maybe you should jump in full time. It may seem like a lot of work right now, but it will be better in the long run. working for yourself>working for an employer

everyone goes through these tough times, just don’t give up and do anything too drastic.

Been there done that, Step mom does it now, its a 24/7 job and if you don;t bust your ass and get known you don’t make money.

just out of curiousity, What is your girl’s name?

Are you any good at math/science/technical stuff? What about AutoCAD/ProE type of training? You could probably do that while still working, and it’s still a technical field of work. It’s not exactly hands on, but the pay is pretty good and you can work on some interesting projects if you get in the right company.

Same boat. I was mechanical designer (AutoCad). Business got bad, got laid off. Now I am in home remodeling. Work 8-2:30. I go part time to my old job drafting, 2-3 hours. Its a 45 minute drive. If I don’t go there, I’m building furniture. It sucks. I always work. Saturday, Sunday. I shoot pool for Crossings in Leeetsdale Wednesday nights. That’s my only night out. The resta the time I’m workin. Needless to say, I do my share of drinkin on Wednesday nights. I support a wife and two teenagers, boy 17, girl 14. Life should not be like this, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I’m 49, I’ll never retire, I’ll work till I die, but that’s what it takes to keep everyone happy (except me)! :gives:

Does your boy drive the mustang at all?
i seen a black 5oh the other night in bell acres w/ a young kid driving :dunno:

If he does, I don’t know it. He has keys. He drive a Eclipse, green. Unless he take my car when I sleep! If it was rusty, it was mine! If it was goin fast, it was mine!

a mustang fast :kekegay:

i dont think it was rusty at all. but it wasnt exactley perfect either :slight_smile:

I think we’re all in that kindve situation

not to be a ass or anything

but look into GOVt jobs…most of the jobs are laid back and they get tons of time off…they have positions for almost anything

doug check these

From what i hear they need alot of corrections officers.

i know a dude who knocked up his GF in highschool and was kinda confused as to what to do…after graduation he worked on the barges for a couple years. high pay, couple weeks on, couple weeks off. he was able to raise his daughter, save up a ton of $ since he lived at home when he came back. now he transfered to the docks and is goin to cal. i always thought he made a really wise choice goin the route he did.


the one this you gotta remember is that you got your whole life ahead of you. You’re only 19 bro! Aint nothing wrong with a little indecision in your life right now. Shit, im 22 and have no freaking clue what I want to do with my life. My suggestion to you would be to keep on pluggin away, and keep your eyes open for opportunities. Going back to school is a good option, but for some people thats just a waste. Theres no need to rush to any decisions. Be patient. Think about putting some of your “play” money in the bank. If you can consistently put play money away, then in a few years or whatever you’ll have a big fat bank account to either invest in any way you so choose. I know you might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but its there. Patience is key. I can remember a year and a half ago I was living in my broken down talon, no job, not a cent to my name, with a shitload of credit card debt. Now ive got my own place, a decent car, and my credit card debt is pretty much paid off. I was a shitty year and a half (every penny that came in had about 10 places to go), but I made it through it and now things are lookin on the up and up. Just keep on keepin on brotha!

My uncle is an FBI agent (Darkstar actually met him). He told me brother that the FBI was hiring mechanics from time to time, but you have to be certified. Being a government job, I bet the pay is good.

do what i did … work for your self. work as hard as you want. work when you want. make as much as you want. i make good money and the cashflow is good for the type of work and it is a good idea to check in to school… i got a degree and i rather be in the shop than an office with a suit and tie…

remember life is a marathon not a sprint, everything doesn’t happen right away