IT was fun... BUT i think im DONE!!

i have 7 miles on my car that i just dumped money in all summer/winter and now im thinking about just painting it… taking parts off it… and saleing it!

i got an easy 3500$ in parts i can sell… and if i paint the car and put the new wheels on it i would get 2500-3k…

im almost positive im done… ive went through my garage and i put verything i find on ebay… i have well over 150 items… and i didn t even touch my car yet…

im fed up with my self… my cars… and i need to do something else…

new plan will be sale everything i own in the garage… parts wise… then buy a junk mx6 turbo and swap all parts onto my six and take all my good parts and sell them…

then pay off my one credit card… pay off my bike. then put all the rest towards school…

i bitched not to long ago about how i don t know what to do about my life and well last night i made my mind up…

since i was in highschool i was into nothing but cars and chics. i was reading my journal from hs and it made me sick to see what i thought then! i was such a ricer…

basically cars’ fucked up my head and i got now where because of them… and now im changing that.!

im 23 and getting old… time to grow up now more then ever…

im going to go buy me a 90-93 acura integra and just drive it daily to save miles on the zr2… cause all i do is rack miles up like crazy between ligoneer and homebase…

and then im traveling the world now before i get involved with a REAL job… i all ready do this but im pushing my self more now then ever…

i had to vent… reply if you want… :doh:



anyone want a garage for rent in about a month? its got a lift a kitchen … bath… fit about 3 cars normally… loft… bath/shower… as long as bj isn t going to keep up on it…

wheer is it located at?

what is it with everyone getting sick of their cars. maybe you won’t miss working on them for a living, but i’m almost positive you’ll miss working on your own. maybe you just need a break from it.

i wish you were closer your garage is nice

where is your garage at?

working on my own car isn t a problem… its just im plain sick of all the money i put into them… and time…

actaully im just sick of me… so im changing me…


rent’s going up… and im loosing the need of the garage… so im outtie…

first quater-life crisis…

say it aint so

sucks to hear that Doug, in a way at least. Good luck in your new direction in life though. Hope you still come here and hang out every once in a while.

Congrats on having the balls to quit what you know and try something different. This decision will help you tons. Go out and get your head straight and find out what you want from life.

they say the average person changes his occuption 4 times before there happy :slight_smile:

thanks though for the support!

Whatever makes you happy man :slight_smile:

mmm acura integra…

YEAH… as a daily driver… no modification’s :bigok: just searched and i found a nice 93 prelude si … mint black interior white ext… motor don t run…

1000$ … 107k… slap a motor in for 5 bills and i got a daily driver!

what are you doin with all the probes you got layin around?


They make great daily drivers. Get the H23 at least. Dont bother with the F22. The 94+ had a nicer interior though, with the reverse indiglo gauges an’at. Also check for rust over the rear wheel wells, they are notorious for that.



listen to what you just wrote

"slap a motor in for … " “mint black interior white ext… motor don t run”

that’s shit an ‘average’ person wouldn’t ever say… they look for a running car!!! i think you’re still ‘into it’ … :slight_smile: