Handling, to me, is pretty hard to define so I’ll try to keep it simple.
It starts with the brakes…
For example, when I’m braking into the bus-stop, or turn 6, or turn 1 at Watkins Glen, I like a balanced braking system where the car stays planted, and the rears don’t have too much bite to where the ass end will get a little un-easy before turn in. I also like braking late, so the entire system needs to work well. At WGI, I’m a pussy and brake at the 5 marker when going into the bus stop, but I noticed other people in my run-group are braking even earlier than I am with a car that’s not carrying as much momentum.
Then there’s turn in…
I don’t want to worry about the ass end coming out on me there either. But I also can’t have it plowing through. I don’t want the car fighting me. I also like to get on the throttle just before the apex on most turns. I feel that’s when there’s most control in the car during a turn.
Then there’s track out…
Since I’m usually on the throttle before the apex, I am firm about applying the throttle in a gradual manner, but I am definitely WOT about 1/2 way between the apex and full track out. The car can’t be uneasy in this step for me either. Just slowly unwinding the wheel letting the car do most of the work.
Here’s the setup I’m running currently… Expect the rear brake pad compound to change by my next event:
Tires: Toyo R888, 275-35/18 on all four. In the dry, these can be facing whichever way you want which allows a lot of rotating options given the sizes are the same F/R. In the wet, however, I heard that you want them facing forward as they were designed as that’s what’s best for water-evac. If you look on the tread pattern, if it’s reversed it will put the water towards the middle of the tire, as opposed to away from the tire when it’s the right way.
Brakes: Stock calipers, stock size rotors.
Bimmerworld’s stainless lines
Performance Friction Direct Drive rotors
Performance Friction 08 compound in the front, 01 compound in the rear. I’m going to be switching to 08 rears as well for a better balance. The 01s have a little bit more initial bite, but they don’t last long. I’ll sacrifice some initial bite for a ton of pad life.
Suspension: A lot.