What is your winter ride?


2003 Forester X

1994 Civic LX! Ballin

For this year:



'95 BMW 540i.

Except that mine has LS2 powa. :wink:

Ought Seven Xterra 4x4 on Destination A/T’s.

…for my 3 mile commute down Sheridan. :bloated:

The mall parking lot gets rough. :gotme:

^ Yeah but if we get hit with one of those monster storms you will be loving the 4wd and A/T tires as your cruise by tons of stuck SUV’s spinning their all season highway biased tires.

Haha here’s hoping.


<~02 TB

Sounds about right.

Either the 93 Bonneville SSEi or the 96 GSR 4dr on Blizzacks.

1996 avalon with 220000 miles and counting.

Just look for some retard doing AWD donughts in an Audi Wagon in a parking lot near you, thats me and the winter beater. Or, an old 4000 Quattro.

already have my snows mounted on my 1995 civic dx sedan.

isuzu rodeo


That truck is sick. Do you live off Cleveland drive?

My winter truck.

My tows are usually free.
Unless they are d-bags, then they sit in the ditch until they pay me enough to overlook the fact that they are fucking losers. lol.

Or… if the wife has to go for a ride I have to collect.

really? i just got my first suv…should i upgrade tires?