What is your winter ride?

Don’t be real concerned…

I’d hope that most of the people on this forum have some idea on how to drive in certain weather conditions.

I pulled out a couple of 4x4s over the years… most of the time it was because they hit the slush or the drift in the road and it sent them into a ditch. Not much is going to get you out of there other than another truck.

94 4dr integra ls. WOO :slight_smile:


Or this:

Depending on whats left in the driveway when i go to work.


that was my thought as well. i drove a lowered 91 jetta on balding snows for years. i’ve also driven my share of bmw’s through the snow, so i didn’t think an explorer on all seasons would be shit.

EDIT: thanks jack.

Wanna trade? Green is WAY cooler :slight_smile:

I just got raped by the dealership for a tune up… Now im gonna have to get my money worth by driving the shit out of it.

Nice pick up though, how much did you get it for?


Work truck… Ford ranger Edge

and Evo IX on weekends

I think you live right around the corner from me.

I think mine wins by default…

These 2 guys

$ shot

Here’s mine.


The new dd

Really? When did you get that?


I picked it up about 2 weeks ago, it was time to move on from the Jetta. Quattro action FTMFW!!!

October Storm

New DD 96 Ranger

Mine needs one bad too. Picked it up for $1300 w/ leaky exhaust, Bad 02, bad knock sensor,leaking steering reservoir, and some dings. Fixed every things aside from cosmetics in 2 hours lol. No more 240 either :frowning:

When/how much did you get yours for? Can’t wait for the snow :slight_smile:

my old man car