What is your winter ride?

6k, but it just hit 100k and when i brought it in they got me for all four rotors, a caliper, and a wheel bearing not to mention the timing belt that I originally was getting done.

I should have just done it all myself.

From Quattro to FWD in the winter, not now, not ever.

Its a RL not a TL

Thats it, I’m going to the optometrist

Beautiful car man! Want to sell it?

A plain black B6 S4

2005 tC with Hakkas.

Make an offer. :wink:

i just bought the most beat up nissan sentra for winter for 300 bucks. its the shit.

please tell me you didn’t get rid of the FD for THAT?!?

sweet winter car, but FD >>>>> it all day

2006 600rr with diablo corsa III’s and a 2003 350z :wink:

lol… FAGoooRR

Im driving Zongs old 96 honda accord. Drives perfect :rofl:

:bloated: No snows…

B7 A4 on Hakkas.
Bringit.I’ll post a picture when I wash the bitch today…going to be 60 or something…

I live around NYC now, I can get around just fine without them.

Yuck. I don’t like looking through this thread and seeing pictures with snow in them. :tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown: :tdown:

Especially after the last few days being so nice.

This is what it looks like now.

god i want that car. and that guys money

Don’t worry, I still have the FD.

If that was my car i wouldnt grind on shit near it! lol Nice though!