What keeps you goin through the days?

As several people have said already, words of wisdom from here are few and far between. I don’t really have many, but my best suggestion is to start hanging with your friends again, work on a project of some sort, occupy your time as best you can. I can’t say that after something like this you’ll feel up to it right away, but relax and do something for yourself. Everyone is fighting or has fought the same fight, so don’t think this is the end of the road…

Thanks Kramer, I didn’t think tomorrow was Weds. I didn’t mean I was going to kill myself, I just don’t know how to go on and how to be happy, just sittin here day after day waiting. I need something to keep myself occupied. Thanks for all the suggestions guys :thumbup

Is this the lady that lived a few streets over from me (one street over from your grandma)?


Thought so just because of the kids’s ages. I didnt know her personally but I heard about it.

ya everyone heard abuot it within 4 hours. i had ppl calling me at work asking wtf happened…

ride your dirtbike more

Pay me to turbo your V6

those are two things that can put a smile on your face

lol, thanks SSmokin. I actually just made a new friend that also rides dirtbikes. So I was hoping to hit up some trails with her sometime, but the damn truck is broken so I gotta fix that first, haha

Life has been kinda boring for me, just plug away on cars during all my free time. But I just started banging a CP chick I met, so all is well!

dude have a cunt wife ,2 spoiled kids a car that gives ya nothin but headaches .work long hours …shit the only thing that makes me smile is when all is asleep i can pump my cock in peace



WAT? :excited

Knowing that Im not PJB helps me keep going

wheelies on the dirt bike, wheelies always make me happy. tell the new chick that youre going to ride with that you’ll do wheelies for boobs:clap


Yeah im usually going for the older girls, Asians and cougars but I all this CP posting had me wanting to try something different :lol Get this, 18 and red head! :excited

see crank, see crank walk, walk crank walk!!! haha

im good i have a 6-bolt

steve you prick


Not us… ME!

haha… I dunno why, but Ive been really wanting to post a crank walk picture…

camel lights and nuggets.
im not kidding.

holy good god… I was just going through one of my friends pictures on facebook and discovered this girl named Lauren france, take a look… you wont be dissapointed