What keeps you goin through the days?

she wont let him

I’m not out of it though, she needed a break to figure stuff out. So she’s a 5 minute drive away from my house, so close, but so far away since I can’t see her whenever I want, it’s up to her. It was such a shock to the system today to figure out from seeing her every day to probably only getting to see her one hour a week or so (haven’t figured shit out yet) So now it’s just waiting around and hoping to god that she still wants to be with me later

haha i have one of us wrestling this past weekend and she was in her bra. tis on my phone.

but…i dunt think i should post it. sully has seen her brifely in my car.

Same thing happened to me. She wanted time to “figure things out”, and in the meanwhile she was hangin with someone else. Not gonna go too far into detail, but it does suck. Best thing you should do is let it go, there are a ton of fish in the sea. You’ll be happier not stressing everyday about wtf she wants to do…


Staying single FTW.

i look forward to 530am everyday. so i can go home and sleep.

At this point in my life Id rather be single. I have been for quite a while and really dont mind that most of the time.

40yr old, single virgin. :rofl

for all relationship issues i simply reply with the fact that there are ~3,000,000,000 females in the world and ~300,000,000 are living in the US. theres a pretty fucking good chance that the one you’re with, were with, or want to be with isn’t the only one you’d be happy with :lol

well we all know what pjb is doing tonight

you only have the single part right.

nothing at all really. Fuck this weather.

enjoy little things man…

This is THE best emo crybaby air-your-dirty-personal-laundry on Shift we’ve ever had. PANTS PARTY HAS BEEN BEAT!

+1 x1000000000000000000000

At this point in my life, all I look forward to is visiting home and seeing my family/friends.

I lol at the end part…

I’m sorry but I’ll have to agree with other posts. This should be the last place you should be talking about maybe killing yourself!!!

Go see a doctor!!! NOW

Seriously, Ive dealt with suicides first hand…

Friend Tim in 6th grade.
ex Girlfriends great uncle/(then his brother the next day)
girlfriends aunt that was just about the focal point of her family

I Found out first hand how fucking selfish it is to just end it. ESPECIALLY with my g/fs aunt. 2 kids one 16. other 7. she could have easily gotten help from her family… and others…

So much anger ran through me at work when i found out June 3RD. didn’t hit me til the funeral. and to see her there… seen a pic of her and my gf there in nyc 3 months ago and fucking lost it.

Its not something to joke about, if your 5% thinking about doing it.

Shit my lowest point was in march. Broke up with my girl, lost my job day later, rent was due 4 days later, etc.

and it turned out fine. give it time.

Shift518- If your feeling bad about things or yourself, come post on here and we can make it worse.

Seriously though, family, friends, music, motorsports, good shit. If that doesnt work you can always tell yourself, at least your not some other asshole that has it worse than you.

+1 do whatever makes you happy. go watch a movie. go clean your car. go drive your car with a good CD in. go get ice cream or go to thatcher park or the museum in albany or something.

hell, come out to LVD tomorrow if it doesnt rain! it’s $10 and you’ll be sure to have a good time and have some laughs