what lap top to buy

i wondering if anyone on here has had a laptop they liked and did not have problems with. Im going to starting looking for one this week. I want to spend around 1300. What do you think my best bet would be. I was thinking a mac book. I went to the store and almost bought one but i want to shop around and i dont really know anything about weather or not there good. My comp will be used for school projects (word processing and math hw with this online program that i use to hand my homework in.) so what kind do you think would be best for me. The main thing im looking for is not to have problems with it.

The Macbook I had was awesome. The Macbook Pro I have now is similarly awesome. I’d not hesitate to buy another or recommend one to anyone. Just remember to buy applecare within the first year. Also, check out the refurb store and educational deals.

I dont know how advanced your math is, but there still are some useful tools available only on Win. That being said, I’ve never been happier with a laptop than my blackbook. Its in your price range,(With student discount it came out to about $1399) but I would wait a while if you can. New products are in the pipelines and prices will be dropping.

buy one of those 400 dollar dell laptops on slickdeals.net, they also had a dual core amd one for 500.

Thats all you need.

sony cr is not too bad, although specs are comparable to those $800-1000 HP’s and toshiba’s

i am also considering a macbook,
but yeah I am going to wait for an update first.

macbook. it’ll run windows better than most windows machines, and os x > vista/xp

for only 3 times the cost. Seriously, just go windows, find a $500-600 dell with at least a gig of ram and a dual core processor.

i <3 my macbook

I have never had a problem with Dell or Sony laptops.

What do you need it for? If just browsing the net/music I’d suggest just something cheap, no reason to spend over 500 on something that isn’t worth it.

Ive never had a problem with Dell notebooks, but ill relay a quick story…

An old roomate of mine bought a Dell of the same spec as my macbook, he got it for around $200 cheaper than mine. However when it showed up not only did I have to spend a day unfucking it of random bullshit that Dell preloads, it was also more than 2x the thickness of the blackbook…so yes its cheaper but its large and not very portable.

I personally bought the mac for its ease of portability and he ability to never have to fuck with M$ again.

i <3 my macbook pro


Get the new mac book.
Listen, windows vista came out and ruined pc’s for the next 4-5 years.
If you love windows as much as the world does, just dual boot it from your mac book.

Dual core is another good one… Unless you get the Core2Duo, you ain’t got shit.
You’re better off with a single core. You need atleast 2.0+ Core2Duo, or 3.0 Pentium 4 to be happy with it for the next few years.

I’m on a Compaq Presario v6000 series, with a gig or ddr2 and 1.6 amd turion64, it does everything that you request, but from regular use… I’m going to be looking for an upgrade soon.
I think the MacBook is all that you need. You can do everything that a pc is able to do, with less chance of catching a virus. Plus Mac’s stock is at $140 a share, and Microsoft sits at about $35 a share.

C2D FTW,I just built a E6600 desktop and this processor is way beyond my expectations.

What does Apple’s stock price have to do with the quality of a computer? You know how many times Microsoft has split shares already? Anyways.

OP said 1300 to spend, he could get a black macbook for that price. Of course as a preferred PC user disregard the previous statement and order a Dell.

macbook… even if you want windows… it’s just better hardware.