What local metal scrap yard gives the most $$$

Does anyone know how much scrap is worth (by the lb) ?

aluminum at twin village is .80 lbs. If anyone knows a scrapper i have tons of different metal i need someone to get rid of. IT IS NOT FREE.


Twin Village wanted to give me $110 for a ton of steel last week.

down to 3 cents

this is rubbish too, how is scrap price going down when demand isnt.
They are making exactly how much they were to begin with but paying out less.

Damn Russians

because the demand for scrap metal as a commodity follows the market trends.

As businesses who would use the scrap close then the demand goes down, besides most of it is shipped to China.

The price has plummeted, it will take a long time to gain back what it lost. Scrap was at an all time high about 4 months ago.

Also Gateway was told by their buyers that they were not in a position to purchase steel from them. There is food for thought.